by Martha Wescott | Aug 4, 2018 | Current Events
Transits keep happening; they aren't all in the spell of the eclipses. Depending on your chart, these are some things you might be noticing now: 1. There's a forming conjunction of Sphinx, Orpheus and the transneptunian Cupido. Just by themselves (without what they'd...
by Martha Wescott | Jun 22, 2018 | Current Events
More and more, you hear people saying some version of "The world has gone crazy." The other day in the grocery store check-out line, a woman in front of me said to the clerk, "I just feel I can't trust anything anymore. Everything seems hyped and made-up." Was she...
by Martha Wescott | Jun 17, 2018 | Current Events, Radix Interpretation
Aside from the intensity provided by the 3 eclipses this summer, we also have Mars going retrograde in 09 Aquarius on June 26th. It'll remain slow (relative to the Sun) until August 27th when it will turn direct in 28 Capricorn. If either of these degrees are...
by Martha Wescott | Jun 16, 2018 | Current Events, Radix Interpretation
If you're signed up for the site newsletter, you know that, from time to time, there's a quiz! Just so here. The answers are shown at the bottom but it's a chance to see how you're doing with learning--and recognizing how the key words of planets, asteroids and TNPs...
by Martha Wescott | Jun 7, 2018 | Current Events
The Solar Eclipse next month is in 20 Cancer 42 so it is "Pluto on display." And since it has already begun to do its work, if your chart is being touched (er, make that slammed) by this eclipse, you already know it! As well as focusing on the radix and directed (or...
by Martha Wescott | Mar 11, 2018 | Class, Current Events, Investigative Astrology
Perhaps you wonder what kind of information you might find if you were to subscribe to the "Research" area of this site. I thought an event example might be the best way to give you a sense of that. As you may know, there are now 4 specialized Research areas. One...
by Martha Wescott | Feb 26, 2018 | Class, Current Events, Predictive Notes
If you're a Tools of the Trade subscriber, you just received the March 2018 issue featuring the chart of Violette Szabo. Among the fascinating things about her chart (born June 26, 1921) was the close but out-of-sign conjunction of Virchow in 29 Pisces and Hades in 00...
by Martha Wescott | Jan 15, 2018 | Current Events
We talked some (in the site's newsletter last month) about the lunar eclipse at the end of this month. But here, we want to bring up some ideas about the following solar eclipse in 27 Aquarius on February 15th... not that they're really separate. There's a conspiracy...
by Martha Wescott | Dec 14, 2017 | Current Events
While you would find greatly extended coverage of midpoints from the Capricorn Ingress 2017 chart in the January issue of "Tools of the Trade," here are a few ideas. If these midpoints are applying to radix or directed patterns and points in your chart, you'll want to...
by Martha Wescott | Oct 30, 2017 | Class, Radix Interpretation, Uncategorized
Some of you had never heard of using Sums. Some of you screamed--and loudly!-- about "more math." One of the reasons you learn to use a 90* dial is that you can do a lot of techniques WITHOUT math. You just "spin the dial." I'm going to show you a really easy way to...