If you're signed up for the site newsletter, you know that, from time to
time, there's a quiz! Just so here. The answers are shown at the bottom but
it's a chance to see how you're doing with learning--and recognizing how the
key words of planets, asteroids and TNPs keep showing up in your thoughts,
dreams and conversations. So it's Quiz Time! Match the sentence or
statement to the factors that could produce it. For instance: If someone
says, "He sure had issues with his girlfriend's father," you hardly have
time to blink and an image of Hera and Saturn in hard aspect come to mind,
right? See how you do with the following:

_____ 1. "As long as there's denial, emotional immaturity or so much
self-preoccupation, there's not really going to be a solution."
_____ 2. "Sometimes when people are too careful with what they say and don't
say, there's underlying prejudice."
_____ 3. It can be difficult to identify or recognize a pathology (be it
medical or psychological) when certain things are hidden or intentionally
_____ 4. Nastiness can be an attempt to punish, get revenge or reveal a
person's weak points.
_____ 5. Anybody can be slow to adapt if they're caught off-guard!
_____ 6. Family members were talking behind her back.
_____ 7. "She just totally rejects what her doctor told her."
_____ 8. He was noticing that his heart was pounding or not feeling right
after exercise; he was even a little short of breath.
_____ 9. Her way to express anger was to kind of provoke-- but act naive --
as though she didn't really mean that.
_____ 10. Some people make their peace with an incurable illness by turning
to their religion or metaphysics.
_____ 11. Although a person may not say much, there are untold and hidden
consequences to deep emotional hurts.
_____ 12. "My sister had to move across country for her new job."
_____ 13. He has a hard time being independent but that kind of causes him to
exploit other people.
_____ 14. Now that he's older, he just doesn't feel as "on top of his game"
as he used to.

a. Cupido = Mercury/Hades
b. Kalypso-Virchow
c. Toro-Apollo
d. Lilith/Kassandra = Aesculapia
e. Ascendant/Admetus = Pandora
f. Aesculapia-Astraea/Requiem = Poseidon
g. Bacchus-Panacea, Rx
h. Eros/Terpsichore = Hades conj. Mercury
i. Isis/Odysseus = Saturn
j. Saturn/Kronos = Hades
k. Psyche/Libitina, Rx = Hidalgo
l. Hidalgo-Hopi
m. Hades-Pluto
n. Mars, Rx/Neptune = Sun

1-g; 2-l; 3-b; 4-m; 5-e; 6-a; 7-d; 8-h; 9-c; 10-f; 11-k; 12-i; 13-n; 14-j

These asteroids may be new to you:
Kalypso: Things concealed or hidden
Virchow: Pathology; Autopsy; Stroke
Libitina: Dire expectations or consequences; corpse

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month's subscription to the Research section of this website. It's only
$12.00 and you can check out more than 4000 delineations!!!! You can also
get into the "crime" asteroids and the more than 1600 detailed medical
asteroids. If it isn't fun, don't renew. There's no long term contract.
You can try it and see if it fits with your interests and way of seeing
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glyphs) on it, just email your data. I will not use your email address to
continue to contact you in any way. I promise. I don't have time to do
that and I hate junk email too.