I talk so much about using "angular" factors (planets, TNPs and asteroids) to delineate astrology return charts.

Here's an example.

Imagine an angle in 13 Cancer; the opposite angle would, of course, be in 13 Capricorn. "Angular" (within ten degrees, either side) of that Cancer angle would, right now, be the transneptunian points and asteroids Hades, Rx, Sphinx, Kronos, Rx and Atlantis, Rx. Among the angular factors in Capricorn would be the asteroid Nemesis and the planet Pluto.

As you work with asteroids, you realize that each one is making a contribution to the conversation and events. The factors can present individually or in any combination with factors at their angle or those in "parans" (apparent) opposition. Let's take some examples:

  • Hades is retrograde so we can be looking for something "bad" that happened in the past. We can be seeing some deterioration, disease or problem that is happening to someone else.
  • Sphinx tells us that there is "missing information" and questions. One of the manifestations then to Sphinx with Hades is that someone has questions about the past and/or about something that was "bad" or even, criminal.
  • Add the retrograde Kronos and you can see that a player in these events can be a former official (government or otherwise,) someone's father or a father figure. Since Kronos can stand for opinions, legal matters, and timing, you might hear others express the questions of Sphinx about these matters. Someone may have questions about whether an official did something wrong (or, even, criminal.) At another moment, there can be questions about the downhill slide of a father, celebrity or infamous individual. Again, you're allowing each of the components, Hades, Sphinx and Kronos, to form in many ways to participate in a thought or event.
  • Now add the Atlantis which stands for ethics, invasion of privacy, betrayal (leaks!) and negative expectations. Are there currently questions about whether there are leaks in government or invasion of privacy of an official or famous person? Yeah! Are there negative projections about a leader or government official? Yep! Just look at the issues surrounding President Trump and his cabinet nominees. If these TNPs and Asteroids are angular on one of your current Lunar or Solar Returns, you may be aware of Atlantis standing for "negative projections" about a disease process or decline of a father or head of household. The Sphinx will add the idea that there are Unknowns.
  • Of course, Nemesis and Pluto will make their contribution to these themes. For instance, someone could have resorted to (Hades with Atlantis) stealthy or criminal use of private information in order to (Nemesis) make someone a scapegoat, point at them as a cause of a problem and do so in order to (Pluto) affect their power position or to get revenge.
  • Nemesis can want to "point fingers" at someone; it wants to find or place Blame. This is dandy when you're looking for what caused a simple problem, but here you see "blame" directed at (Kronos) government officials. And some of that is done in order to (Pluto) grab power or get even!
  • To add to this, the asteroid, Hack, is in 11 Capricorn! So the Atlantis\Hack = invasion of privacy by hacking!

Angular factors will apply to many different situations and people over the course of their time of effectiveness. If the Nemesis-Pluto\Kronos is "on" for you right now, you will also see (Pluto) deep psychological issues and potential revenge because one (Nemesis) blames their (Kronos) father for (Hades) things that have gone wrong in their life!

You can learn more about using asteroids in astrology starting here.

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