Melpomene-Orpheus, Grieve-Neptune and More

Current aspects that may be affecting you now: 1. With the Psyche - Hades aspect, there are some things to keep in mind: you may be psychically open to "bad" or negative influences. This is a time to remember that people can have psychological or emotional problems...

The Illusion of Rescue

We've talked about the transiting Circe-Neptune conjunction before, but I thought recent news provided such a clear (devastating) example of it that it merited another look. Here you see a screened version of a possible lunar return for early November. Notice the...

Introduction to the 90 Degree Dial

When you undertake to use a whole bunch of asteroids in your charts and understanding, you face a huge problem of information management. Maybe you quivered when you first added the 8 transneptunians. Then you look at however-many asteroids you're ready to...

Details on the 20 Virgo Solar Eclipse

To follow is a copy of a site newsletter that was sent today.  If you haven't subscibed, do so right away so you don't miss the next one! The Solar Eclipse is (finally) nearly upon us! If your chart is in its path (20 Virgo 10 and then its axis: 20 Mutable, 05 Fixed,...