The given time for the four Kohlberger murders is 4:00 am on November 13, 2022 in Moscow, Idaho. The chart here (click to enlarge) is set for that data. To increase the detail, here are some points to add to the chart; consider the axis of each:

To kill: Leto 00 Li 28
And consider that the November 8th Lunar Eclipse had been in 15 Taurus with event Leto in its axis.

Mass killing: Unruh 06 Li 55

Multiple Murders:
Brophy 12 Cp 55
Douglas 17 Cp 58
Holmes 19 Li 09

Use of a knife or other cutting instrument:
Collins 03 Aq 42
Hopi 15 Li 32
Russell 12 Ca 24 Rx
Sharp 24 Ge 15 Rx

Since Kohlberger was into Forensics, you might want to see these Forensic points in the chart:
Gross 22 Ta 02 Rx
Pare 09 Ge 18 Rx
Reiss 28 Vi 53

And since he took such care with his fingerprints but was eventually identified partially by them, there are these asteroids for Fingerprints:
Deforest 01 Vi 55
Henry 09 Vi 18
Herschel 18 Vi 56

The asteroid, Erigone, which can indicate Suicide but most often helps to show the self-harming things a person does is, from 27 Sag, in the chart’s Ascendant axis. You might also make a “dial trine” from Erigone to Pluto-Toro to Venus-Hera and with Lilith opposing the Pluto-Toro, you kinda think that some of the motivation for the murders found its origin in a rejection.

All of this is not to say that things like the Mars/Node, Pluto/Hades and the event’s Toro-Psyche-Orpheus in the lower quadrature of Unruh can be ignored. I’m sure you’ll find lots else in the chart to speak of this horrific tragedy. You may want to check factors for Sadism, Torture, the asteroid Savage and the medical asteroid, Okada which, due to a genetic problem, can indicate impulse control issues in violent offenders. You might also check various personality disorder points as Kohlberger had moved from a bullied youngster to a confrontive and aggressive adult. In this chart, the asteroid, Colpa (guilt, fault) is in 28 Pi 25, Rx.

Where Kohberger had expertise with forensics and criminology yet made some crucial misjudgments (see Russell, Brophy and Hopi,) note the Hades-Kronos conjunction. As we are seeing in so many other instances, there can be (Hades:) corruption, deterioration and mistakes by (Kronos) experts, leaders, government officials, celebrities, police and legal proceedings.

Other times for the crime have been suggested so the angles could differ:
3:20 am. MC 14 Cancer 20, Asc 11 Libra 36
3:30 am. MC 16 Cancer 40, Asc 13 Libra 28
3:40 am. MC 19 Cancer 00, Asc 15 Libra 20

So much violence in the world today....
