We've talked about the transiting Circe-Neptune conjunction before, but I thought recent news provided such a clear (devastating) example of it that it merited another look. Here you see a screened version of a possible lunar return for early November. Notice the Circe-Neptune at the IC of the chart. Factors at an IC can relate to events that have already happened; they can occur in or to families; they can elicit private or emotional reactions; and they can offer commentary on a family dynamic-- ie., on things experienced and learned in childhood.
When you have Neptune added to Circe, you can think of sentences like "A dependency can be created by helping" or "One can have the illusion that they can SAVE another." You also have the notion of deception associated with help or rescue.
Now, focus on the MC of this chart; factors there are in "parans opposition." This means that the aspect is one of "apparent opposition." Even if the actual opposition doesn't mathematically occur, the angular position will bring manifestation. So, were this your return chart now, you would be seeing examples of events, behaviors and reactions that would be typical of Circe\Jupiter, Neptune\Jupiter and Circe-Neptune\Jupiter. This might, on one day, show up as a person who, in order to seem superior, learned or benevolent makes promises they can't keep.
But notice that the mundane asteroid, Ward, is present. As November begins, it is in 11 Virgo. It stands for "life vests" or "flotation devices"-- meant to save a person's life in water. What do you make of Circe-Neptune (the ruse of rescue) in parans opposition to Ward? A recent item in the news revealed that life vests STUFFED WITH PAPER (instead of a material that would float) were being sold to migrants trying to cross into Europe by boat!!! Counting on the vest to save your life or that of your child was worthless.
The Kalypso at the Ascendant tells you that there are matters that are hidden or concealed.
If you look to the Descendant, you see Hera that, among other things, installs financial concerns. Also at the Descendant is the asteroid, Libitina, that can represent death or corpses but more often speaks of dire or difficult consequences. You can now formulate "angular orders"-- statements using factors that are angular on a return chart-- such as Ward\Circe-Neptune - Kalypso = Libitina, Rx. This clearly sketches the story where the "life vests" offer only the pretense of rescue as things are hidden and others will suffer dire consequences.
Of course, a lunar return chart will describe events over the course of its time frame, so were this your chart, there would be other examples of attitudes or events that would use those same energies. Sometimes a person thinks they can save another; the "life raft" or "flotation device" they offer tends to have the unintended or serious consequences that Libitina here suggests.
For the sake of this example, the chart shows only screened factors. There were other angulars and those would be added into your delineations. You don't have to incorporate every angular planet, TNP or asteroid in every delineation. For instance, here you could pull Jupiter/Neptune = Libitina and say "Having illusions of grandeur or building castles on the sand can have terrible consequences."
Does this example help you work with your own returns?
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