We talked some (in the site's newsletter last month) about the lunar eclipse
at the end of this month. But here, we want to bring up some ideas about the
following solar eclipse in 27 Aquarius on February 15th... not that they're
really separate. There's a conspiracy in the skies that is trying to
cajole (and that's a kind way to put it) you to make some changes in your
life. Eclipses are the "lead dogs" in that effort.

One perverse way to think of eclipses is to say they're "an opportunity
disguised as a loss." I have often referred to them as an AFGO: another
"fruitful" (ahem!) growth opportunity."

What this means is that, by messing with Suns and Moons, eclipses bring up
your past and your conditioning and then push you to choose your growth and
fulfillment. Sometimes this happens consistent with lunations as the
eclipse nears (and I mean you can feel it a few months beforehand.) Events
"show" you old attitudes, defenses and reactions regarding the points that
will be eclipsed. And you are "invited" (choke-sputter) to see that you are
handling and reacting to those issues in ways that may have served you once,
but that are no longer such a great idea.

In a way, the eclipse is saying, "Cut the ties that bind you" (to your
past.) You really have grown beyond all that. BE who and what you are NOW--
and not the person you were years ago."

When you react to people and situations "the way you always have," things
turn out predictably: bad! When you reach for the very best that's in you
to respond, the eclipse smiles, and you can feel that you've moved beyond
its dark umbra.

While an eclipse has a chart--and will demonstrate that chart in world and
personal events, you want to really tune in to the radix and directed points
that are part of the eclipse pattern. What parts of your beliefs, behaviors
and habits is this eclipse trying to affect? If, for example, the eclipse
pattern (axis and other aspects) includes your Mars, you can find that your
expression of anger, the way you criticize, your ability to act on
self-interests, your habits of "self-defense"-- these things are causing
problems. The eclipse is saying, "That ain't right! Try doing that from
the heart of the person you've become--not from the person you used to be."
When you can accomplish that, you can feel that you're on the right track.
Sure, you'll slip back into your old ways and dark clouds will again
surround you. But then, another opportunity will come and you'll react from
your high self and the sun will shine!

Focus then on the points in your chart that will be in the spotlight of this
eclipse, and that includes those around 27 Fixed, 12 Cardinal, 4 Fixed and
19 Mutable. They're "getting shoved" by eclipse pressures; they're being
asked to "step up" and into the person you've Become. They aren't gonna'
react well by relying on old defenses and fears.

True, the eclipse has a chart and it's going to use specific events to
"invite you to change"! With Hera in 25 Scorpio 40 and Juno in 26 Aquarius
20, some of the eclipse challenges will come through relationships, the
partner, human and civil rights, and the ability to treat others with
respect. World events will show us a great deal about treating others as
equals. There may be financial issues in relationship-- and events that
illustrate how $$$ colors relationship and the treatment of others as equal
and deserving of respect.

There can be unexpected medical issues with partners or others (and these
can involve the heart or reproductive system.) There can be issues with
children or that involve caretaking. I think, in world events, we will hear
of terrible crimes and some of these will have a sexual component. Since
this eclipse is the Node/Sphinx midpoint, there can be uncertainty about
alliances; since it is the Erigone/Lilith midpoint, you can see that others
make decisions or choose favorites in a way that is self-defeating and not
in their best interests.

While we could make "a tree structure" (show all the midpoints to the
eclipse degree,) your first step is to zero in on how the eclipse degree
(and it's pattern) is creating a bonfire for the radix and directed points
in your chart! You've been seeing it in events; does it register with you