While we can use the asteroid, Erigone #163, for Suicide, each of us has that asteroid in our chart, and we aren’t going to be doing that. But Erigone also stands for less final ways of “self-damaging.” It also represents times of deception or having the wrong impression of people or events. The following examples are just a small part of the story as there would be additional aspects to add important details, but maybe these ideas prompt some worthwhile insights.
Erigone\Hephaistos: involvement in unsuitable relationships has a way of supporting behaviors and reactions that are just not positive for a person.
Erigone\Jaspers: doing and thinking things that go against ones best interests can be part and parcel of low self-esteem and poor self-image.
Erigone\Juno: the choice of relationships or partners can be a less obvious form of self-negation and self-destruction.
Erigone\Libitina: the tendency to “expect the worst” is part of the motivation that urges one to do things that are, ultimately, self-damaging.
Erigone\Lie: There is such dishonesty and fabrication (re other points in aspect) that the final result is one of self-harm.
Erigone\Neptune: themes of misplaced trust, susceptibility and pretense can participate in a level of self-damage and the undermining of strength.
Erigone\Ophelia: constant over-reactions or Inappropriate reaction can also be another way of negating ones best interests.
Erigone\Pluto: while some self-destructive attitudes and habits are a result of control issues and an incomplete awareness of deep emotional scars, such behaviors may also be intended to manipulate or negatively affect others.
Erigone\Toro: the tendency to handle people and situations by being something of a bully is, ultimately, no favor to you.
Erigone\Zeus: the volatility, anger and mood switches of Zeus can prove harmful and destructive to the self and other points in the axis or aspect pattern.
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