imageAs March begins, the asteroid, Sphinx, is in early Aquarius; it will reach only 17 Aquarius by the solar eclipse on the 20th.  As it moves along it focuses on questions and Unknowns relative to traveling partners and the radix factors it aspects.  You want to think of Sphinx as holding such words as: Who, What, Why, When-- as applied to other factors.

Right now, for example, one story line is composed of the asteroid, Poseidon, the asteroid, Vulcano, and the asteroid, Siva-- capped by Sphinx.  So the questions of Sphinx can apply to (Poseidon:) ideologies, beliefs, education, and morality.  Thus:  Is that moral?  What is believed?  Is that religious? Whose idea was that?  Then you add Vulcano which, like the TNP, Vulcanus, speaks of power, force and influence.  Now you're questioning the power and influence of education, ideas, propaganda and ideologies.  Among your questions now is: Why is that ideology so powerful?  You might also ponder why an idea has so much influence.  Finally you add the Siva which, among other things, carries a possibly destructive impulse, but also stands for the countries, peoples and cultures of Asia and The Middle East.  You combine the Siva with Poseidon for Buddhism--but also for Islam.  And Sphinx continues to inquire about its power and influence.

Of course, Sphinx is also delving into the Unknown about other points in aspect, including those in parans and actual oppositions.  For instance:

  • In aspecting the retrograde Sisyphus, it is asking things like:  Should we try this again?  How can this be happening again?  Do we have what it takes to do this another time?
  • By contacting the retrograde Juno, there can be questions about finances, partners and former partners.  (For some, this will mean "Do I want to try to make this relationship work again?")
  • As Sphinx tries to ask the retrograde Isis some questions, he finds that he only got "bits of information" previously.  The questions may address scattered locations or concern a sibling (including a sibling of a partner or former partner.)
  • The Sphinx to the retrograde Nemesis will be especially annoying because Sphinx is trying to find out who or what caused a problem (even a past problem,) but answers are not forthcoming.
  • Sphinx is also forming an oppositional relationship with the TNP, Vulcanus, and the result of that is akin to "Even when the pressure's on and you've just "got to" know.... you don't have all the necessary information or answers.
  •  There are some medical asteroids in early Leo, and Sphinx will have questions about those too.  (And if these degrees or close cousins of them are featured on your current return charts, you'll sure hear about them.)  Thus:
  • There can be questions about chemotherapy, radiation treatments or impact, circulatory problems, or the potential for whether a person is dealing with dementia.  And given the Juno, Rx, the concern about dementia or Alzheimer's can be about a partner or former partner.
  • Other  medical questions that can come up involve things like: learning disabilities, anxiety attacks, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and/or rheumatology.
  • Remember that with Poseidon also featured, you can hear of these things thru the media--be it televisions, films on on the Net.  So expect (Sphinx-Poseidon:) Mysteries on TV!

Some other notes:

I've had questions about what was in the Research Access portion of this website.  Once registered, you'd have the ability to search my research notes on Mundane issues (where you would be able to look up words like "stabbing" or "Psychopath" and get the asteroids or planets that apply.)  You would be able to search the medical section for diseases, organs or symptoms.  For instance, you could (speaking of Sphinx) inquire about heart attacks, or strokes, autoimmunity, or use the term, virus, and hear of Epstein-Barr and lots more.  Then there's the Aspects section where you will find delineation suggestions for more than 3800 combinations (such as Mercury-Zeus, Eros/Pluto, and many with the medical asteroids.)  Here again, you can just search for a word (such as Confusion, threats, astrology, or Fatigue) or you can input two factors: Pluto/Zeus, Admetus/Pluto, Aesculapia/Uranus-- and get often lengthy interpretations.  Aside from a wonderful learning tool, it's just plain fun to look up aspects from your chart!  Let me know if you don't understand how to register.

Also, if you'd like to have a look at one of the print newsletters (Tools of the Trade) to see if it would be a good fit for your studies, please email me with your postal address so I can send you a free copy.  It has been called "the best correspondence course in astrology."