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Professional Research Database Subscription
Aspect Delineations: 4400+ aspect delineations between planets, asteroids and TNPs searchable by key words, factors or combinations. Thus you can use any of these as search terms: psychologically canny, astrology, Psyche, or Hades/Pandora and the search engine will return all mentions of those words and the delineation for that combination of factors.
The Medical List: 2400+ specific asteroids to use for diseases, organs, genes, chemotherapy drugs, and more. Again, this is fully searchable, so you might input an asteroid name or number, but also things like PTSD, breast cancer, Tamoxifen (chemo drug,) resection or pulmonary function, and you will be shown all available references to those terms. It's remarkable!
The Mundane Factors: Over 1,700 terms you would find useful for mundane manifestations and in investigative work. There are specific asteroids for stabbing (Stichius) and for abduction (Europa.) There are asteroids for stuttering, railroads, heavy equipment, and the site of a party. Again, the entire list and all words in it are completely searchable. You can find the factor for cocaine, razors, jeans, or a hideaway instantly.
Each of these three resources will be kept up to date with the latest proven and tested information. In each, you will be able to search the listings in several ways to quickly reference the information you need.
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