What energies can produce these results?
Any of this angular on your current or close return charts?
Answers are below, but don’t peek til you’re done.

1. There are illnesses that cause cognitive impairment.
2. “I realized that her memory was affecting the way her mind works.”
3. “It was clear that he just couldn’t get over that relationship. “
4. Due to compassion and sympathy, the real cause of the problem just wasn’t realized.
5. You just wouldn’t have thought that he’d be the kind of guy who’d do things to screw with his own success.
6. Her depression stemmed from the fact that she was always expecting bad things to happen.
7. That whole thing of jealousy of his brother got going again!
8. Oh geez! He threatened the guy with a knife!
9. Her illness is chronic; no treatments seem to work.
10. His smoking has sure affected his heart.
11. How can I come to grips with something when there’s still so much I don’t know?
12. Some complaints aren’t fully expressed, but they are causing anxiety and, yeah, okay, a bit of anger too.
13. You see more and more corruption in government and officials.

A. Nemesis- Neptune
B. Toro-Hopi
C. Orpheus-Atlantis
D. Askalaphus-Urania
E. Sisyphus-Lilith-Isis
F. Pandora-Erigone
G. Podalarius-Hades\Panacea
H. Urania-Mnemosyne
I. Grieve, Rx - Zeus, Rx.
J. Hades-Kronos
K. Pluto-Malpighi-Valentine
L. Sphinx\Psyche
M. Astraea-Juno

D 1
H 2
M 3
A 4
F 5
C 6
E 7
B 8
G 9
K 10
L 11
I 12
J 13
