Pedicide is the killing of children and lately, we’ve seen so much of it. I think we’ll see more as June progresses as a certain configuration lingers. Leto (to kill) continues in an alignment with Ceres, Demeter <~~ that’s mothers and children, and Osiris (death.) News reports mention shootings and that can be shown by the TNP or asteroid Zeus, but there are other gun asteroids as well. More than one incident lately had the killer use a knife. The asteroid, Hopi, can manifest as a knife but asteroids Sharp and Russell also represent knives and other cutting instruments. Note: If these are currently angular on one of your Lunar Returns, be careful! When you have a knife factor with Ceres or Demeter, it’s a kitchen knife. Don’t cut yourself! Infanticide, the killing of babies, was, at one time, very common in many cultures both by mothers, nurses and others. Infanticide can be shown by the asteroid Medea #212. Filicide, the killing of ones own children, can be indicated by Medea also. Historically in certain cultures, female babies were regularly killed or just abandoned and left to die. Similarly, where twins were born, one was chosen to live and the other left to perish. Obviously in today’s world, such killers are mentally damaged, so you might want to see how Psyche is part of the story. Does Virchow help to show the abnormality? Is Toro indicating abuse and aggression? Are points like Reich, Ellis, Melbourne or Kraft sketching a sadist? Some such killers do so after abducting, abusing and raping a child. Others are in the midst of a psychotic episode and have been very abused as children themselves. Send good thoughts to the world.