Depending on your chart (and the angles for your current Tropical and
Precession-corrected Lunar Returns,) some of these issues may be on your
event and/or emotional doorstep:

1. Although it's more complicated than this (because Mars, Requiem and Niobe
are part of it,) the Demeter-Pluto conjunction in mid Capricorn can concern
how one's diet affects their guts (intestines.) But it's also about
important psychological issues in the parent-child relationship (and
especially with the mother.) There can be times of seeing such things as
guilt, unacknowledged dependency and attempts to control the other show up
in that parent-child relationship. You may also recognize instances where
money and debt become important between parents and children. There's also
the possibility that a "care-taking" role has really deep psychological

2. When we add Mars to the Demeter-Pluto, we then expect a certain amount
of anger and/or criticism. So... do you see someone (Mars-Demeter)
criticize another's cooking in order to (Pluto) get a rise out of them? Do
you see anger in a caregiving relationship that is tinged with a desire for
revenge or an attempt to expose another's vulnerabilities? Does guilt play
a role in why one person takes care of another?

3. Take the Requiem with Pluto and weigh whether some situations now are
such that you need to just stop struggling and accept that there's nothing
you can do about them. Have you made peace with someone or something
because you don't want to do the inner work that seeing them more honestly
would require? Are there some things or people that, following a time of
intense self-reckoning, you can now feel okay about? Have you stopped
struggling with yourself or another due to financial concerns or the desire
to avoid a major brouhaha?

4. With Niobe just separating from a conjunction to Pluto, there will still
be residue that points to the idea that Niobe's "sorrow through children"
carries some complex emotions. A parent can feel that they "didn't do
right" (and that makes the sorrow all the more poignant.) The sorrow can be
tinged with control needs; the relationship with a child can be mixed with
unwholesome emotions. You may see examples where parental "pride" exists
only as long as the parent dominates, controls or manipulates the child.

5. Also separating is Lilith from Pluto, but they can still occur as angular
for a return chart angle. And this is a loaded combination of energies! In
one guise, a person could present Lilith as Gender-- and then blend Pluto's
Devil or Angel symbology to it! At another time, Lilith will manifest as
criticism and the real reason for the criticism is to (Pluto) get under
another person's skin! Lilith can also show up as "favoritism"-- the "I
like THEM better than you" thing. Again, the reason for this is Pluto: just
to hurt, to score on another emotionally, to try to manipulate (and get
something not freely given) or to try to control another's actions. Lilith
can present itself to you as "the need for a decision." Add Pluto and, yes,
sometimes, $$$, debt, investments or taxes can affect a decision. When
others are making the decisions, be sure to look for and try to understand
where and how the Pluto is showing up. Do you understand their (Pluto)
motives? Do you see an attempt to poke at someone? Do you find that a
rivalry is really all about Pluto? In other words, as long as you're
competing for that Number One spot, I am in control and I am the dominant
one in this relationship!

6. Also separating from an aspect to Pluto in mid-October is Sphinx,
opposing from mid-Cancer. Sphinx has questions; it represents "missing or
unknown information." Take that to Pluto, and there can be questions about
another's reasons or motives; a person can wonder about another's integrity
or authenticity; the missing information can be vital; and "not knowing
certain things" can (\Pluto) give another a huge advantage.

7. Of course the Sphinx\Lilith will also be starring in the news media in
America as it's "What is the decision?" (as in "Who is your favorite?" for
the election.)

8. With Urania conjunct Orpheus in 08 Libra on October 15th, you may use
astrology to analyze a death, but you can also have examples of how loss of
life and the reckoning with mortality affects a person's perspective and the
context with how they view life and events.

9. In 16 and 18 Aries are the asteroids Hippokrates and Phaethon (both Rx.)
While this can be a sketch of an ambulance (a vehicle associated with
medical care) or present the idea of whether a person is well enough to
drive to a medical appointment, also see Phaethon as "reckless speed" and
"falls." So symptoms can be "racing" or a person can require medical
attention as a result of a fall.

10. The Phaethon x Hippokrates is opposite Mercury and Zeus. So... if
these factors are within 10* of your return chart angles, you can be aware
of illnesses that feature inflammation or that compromise the nerves or
lungs. Angular factors can manifest all together or in any combination or
all by themselves, so you might see (Hippokrates\Zeus) concern about the
pulse or blood pressure, but then you see something about (Phaethon\Zeus) a
fire truck or a military vehicle. Another day, the news could feature a
drive-by shooting or a medical issue due to a burn. The Mercury-Zeus could
also be discussion of firearms, a school shooting, or something about young
people in fires or explosions.

11. With Toro in 10 Scorpio & the TNP Poseidon in 11 Scorpio, some will use
that conjunction to watch football, prizefights or other rough sports on
television or other visual media. It's a great combination for school
sports (so college football or high school soccer count)! Expect though to
see examples of "intellectual intimidation" and instances where people
become angry or aggressive over their ideas, religion or beliefs.

12. If you have a late-Sag angle now, you have the TNP Cupido, the asteroid
Asclepius and the asteroid Pythia angular. While a Cupido-Asclepius can
show up as a genetic ailment, a sick family member or partner, or symptoms
that are due to something in the household (lead, bacteria, etc.) be aware
that some artist's products can also be toxic and produce illness. Add the
Pythia and you need to keep in mind that, for now anyway, the course of an
illness can't be reliably predicted.

13. In 09 Capricorn, the asteroid Kalypso is opposing the TNP, Kronos.
Kalypso tells you that there's stuff that concealed or hidden. Kronos is
the father, the boss, a celebrity or a government official. So... you know
that there are things that are not out in the open! The asteroid, Lie, is
in 14 Cancer, so some things are hidden by lies; some lies are calculated to
hide important truths. (Now go up and re-read # 1 through 4 above and blend
in the additional complication of the fact that there are Lies. So for
instance, someone could tell a lie in order to --Pluto-- try to get the
better of another person.)

It's gonna' be an interesting month!