Of course, the first order of business when examining an eclipse is to
evaluate what the pattern of the eclipse degree (+ orb) is likely to mean
for your chart. But the eclipse has its own chart and will generate events
(difficulties and opportunities) accordingly. Often we can glean a sense
of an eclipse's Agenda and Character because it manifests in public events
and the behavior of public personalities. You will begin to glimpse this as
much as three months prior to the eclipse when the transiting Sun makes its
approaching square to the eclipse degree. And one of the ways to delineate
an eclipse is to use "a tree structure" which is "dial-speak" for a complete
listing of the factors of which the eclipse is the midpoint.
Discussion of this eclipse though must begin with the T-square it presents:
Sun-Mercury opposed by the Moon with squares to the transneptunian, Hades,
in 03 Cancer. The eclipse then is a study in Mercury-Hades problems and
issues. Here is some of what that can mean:
* There is "gutter talk;" someone is "foul-mouthed" or uses bad or nasty
* There can be insults, slander and remarks intended to demean.
* Someone might talk behind another's back.
* There will often be a failure to truly communicate.
* There can be negative self-talk-- that running conversation in your own
brain can be self-defeating or depressing.
* Mental mistakes will be seen in dialogues or paperwork.
* Documents and contracts can contain errors.
* Some may deal with mental decline (in themselves or others.)
* A lack of knowledge or education can be painfully apparent.
* There can be a tendency to bring up the past (and where this might result
in a study of history, hurrah for that!)
* You sense, when someone talks, that they are hiding something or harboring
* Some people may experience lung or nerve problems--including viral or
bacterial infections.
* There can be difficulties with siblings, neighbors, telephones or lousy
events at schools.
* You could hear of crimes or investigations that involve the mail or
* It would be delightful if you're being touched by this eclipse and you
find "an old book" or a mouse in your car, (both Mercury-Hades
possibilities) but likely, you won't get off that easy!
On a 90* dial, the point opposite the 03* Cardinal area of the eclipse would
be 18* of the Fixed signs and, for the eclipse, we see the retrograde
asteroid, Grieve, in 18 Leo and the asteroid, Vulcano in 18 Taurus. The
eclipse--with its Mercury-Hades signature, will also include then "Complaints to
try to influence or pressure others." You may likewise see that people seem
kind of "forced" but what isn't fully obvious is that they are trying to
suppress a part of the grief process. Any of the midpoints (to follow) can
be delineated to = Grieve and/or Vulcano...and that is to be understood as
also part of the eclipse intention and character.
A few of the midpoints to the eclipse (that will also present demands for
change and greater self-awareness:)
* Asclepius/Requiem: The chalenge to come to terms with and really accept
the demands & limitations of a medical condition.
* Asclepius/Hekate: While symptoms can be worse at night, this is also about
the challenge of looking after a sick person.
* Apollo/Cupido: There is a tendency to provoke/agitate or be naive with a
partner or family member.
* Cupido/Atlantis: The eclipse asks you to re-examine negative expectations
of a family member or partner.
* Kalypso/Memoria: Someone can try to hide memories-- or memory lapses!
* Pluto/Psyche: Where there has been a deep emotional wounding, someone can
have strong control or revenge needs. There can be times when you see that
the psychological scars in a life are running the show. You can see
examples where a person tries to dominate or manipulate others by tapping
into their weaknesses.
* Zeus/Psyche: Examples of how volatility and anger affect a vulnerable
person-- and of how a fragile person can use anger as a shield and defense.
* Urania/Mnemosyne: There can be instances where you're shown that a
person's intelligence can be judged by their memory (and this is not a
reliable indicator.) But also see Urania as "perspective and mental bias"--
and then the way that a person's memories can affect that will be clear.
Now, this midpoint is really Urania/Mnemoyne-Aesculapia-Orpheus, so you may
well see how Thinking is affected by a Medical Condition that impacts the
memory and brings Depression. You may further hear of (Urania) intellectual
defenses to a terminal diagnosis.
* We should probably include Uranus/Saturn and Uranus/Jupiter, Rx where we
have a sustained period of tension or difficulty...and then a respite or
somewhat fortunate release from the difficulty (but it's not exactly
something that encourages jubilation.)
* The asteroid, Lie, forms a midpoint with Neptune to = the eclipse and the
Mercury/Hades. You know that this will bring flat-out dishonesty and a
fantasy projection of the future to all that (Hades-Mercury) "bad talk"
we're seeing.
* Icarus/Harvey: While you could say that Speed Thrills the Heart here, some
will find that cardiac symptoms require prompt action (especially where
these midpoints also = the Mercury/Hades.
DIAL TECHNIQUE NOTE: a midpoint to a midpoint can be phrased as "an order"
or more complex statement. Thus here we might say,
Mercury + Hades - Icarus = Harvey
and we would mean that: "When there is a problem with the breath or lungs,
there is danger to the heart." By using other key words, you could have other delineations.
The math: Mercury + Hades = 96:47 + 360 = 456:47 - (Icarus) in 07 Pisces 01
or 456:47 - 337:01 = 119:46 or 29 Cancer 46 (and the medical asteroid,
Harvey, that stands for the heart and more is in 29 Cp 55.) On the dial
then, Mercury + Hades - Icarus = Harvey. And you can compose these "orders"
(more detailed statements) with any of the midpoints to a midpoint.
-----------If you are following the primaries in America, you may want to
track these asteroids: Sanders #3029, Cruz #21502, Hillary #3130 and
Buysballot #10961. Think of Lilith as "decisions, selection and rejection"
and look to Pallas and Minerva for "behaviors intended to get approval" <--
thus Politicians.
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