Part of the reason to show this chart (without asteroids, horrors!) is to
demonstrate what is meant by a 90* dial AXIS. A "working dial" is placed on (hopefully just touching this chart enlarges it for you) the chart and it can be turned to any degree to examine midpoints and patterns such as the dial axis.
As you see here, the working dial's Aries
Point is turned to 24 Aquarius 39, the current Neptune/Pluto midpoint. To
start with an axis, you add or subtract (whichever's easier) 15* and stare
directly opposite on the dial. So here-- as the working dial shows, you go
from 24 Fixed to the opposite point which is in 09 Cardinal-- and there's
Hades in 09 Cancer. That tells you that Hades is either an octile (45*) or
a sesquiquadrate (135*) from your starting point. And a factor there is
very much a part of your delineation.

Then to complete the axis, you find (again, as the working dial shows)
points that are 22:30* on either side of your primary axis. This is simple
math. If you start from the 24:39 Neptune/Pluto midpoint, it's easy enough
to subtract the 22:30 so that you're at 02:09 Fixed. Then, the other
quadrature is--again, 15 degrees across the dial, so you're in 17 degrees
Mutable. Points at or within close orb of those degrees constitute a
pattern-- a "conversation" among those energies.

I explained that to hopefully entice you to get more into the use of the 90*
dial in your studies, but mostly as an introduction to why we can say right
now that the Neptune/Pluto midpoint = Hades. Let's talk a little bit about
some of the ways that can manifest. I'm sure you'll come up with more
ideas-- especially once you fill in your radix or directed points that occur
in that axis.

1. You may see events where people who see themselves as (Neptune) victims
seek (Pluto) redress or revenge for (Hades) past events.
2. Major changes are in the offing (and with Neptune, they're unclear) and
with Hades, the result may not be pleasant or there is current dread or
3. Powerful forces can affect the susceptible with a focus on mistakes,
poverty, bacterial or viral problems, or crime.
4. Things are changing, but with Neptune's influence, you may not know
exactly how (and you won't for a while.) Still, Hades doesn't point to a
great outcome.
5. Under a mix of trust or deception via Neptune, Pluto's power and control
drives can be seen as research.
6. Financial matters are uncertain and things may be going on that aren't
seen or disclosed.
7. You can see attempts to gain control over weak or dependent persons but
not for good reasons.
8. You know that both Neptune and Pluto can have "hidden agendas;" well,
then the motive or outcome is Hades!
9. We might see Neptune as the immune system and response; Pluto then speaks
of important change, the metabolism or the gastrointestinal area. With
Hades in the picture, disease can be attempting to form and gain a hold.
10. If we think of Neptune as "glamour" and Pluto as "money and power," oh
dear, it looks like Hades' vulgarity is currently winning!
11. Taking Neptune's compassion to Pluto's motives or reach for control,
Hades is not offering a postive judgment of that.
12. Of course, there can be times for compassion and tenderness for another
who is going through a powerfully changing and challenging situation due to
dire circumstances or disease.

As you take Neptune/Pluto = Hades (and its axis) to your chart, how are you
seeing it and how can you extend these delineation suggestions? (While
we're at it, let's look at the Neptune/Pluto midpoint in our natal charts
too, ok?

martha lang-wescott