Just to mention a few mid-December aspects that may be turning up in your

House-Podalarius: This conjunction in early Pisces can indicate a visit to a
doctor's office or other building associated with medical care. You can
also have reactions regarding how one's "location" affects their health or
the quality of medical attention. See too that the asteroid, House, can
indicate issues with hearing-- so there can be attention to hearing
impairment. Finally, note that a person's (House) living quarters can have
an impact on their health. (And look for other aspects re air quality,
molds, etc.)

Under the opposition of Neptune and Urania now, yes, you could be using
Astrology to do that whole "romancing the stone" thing where every chart
holds a Master of the Universe or some La-Di-Da interpretation, but, think
too of how Neptune has or is affecting your perceptions and perspective--
for good or ill. Are you so Other Worldly that you aren't seeing what's
Real...Here...Now? How do issues of Trust color your sense of What's
Happening? There are also times when, to do your best work in astrology,
you need to have deep compassion for others.

With Ophelia in 00 Aries on December 15th, how much "drama" and
over-reaction are you seeing in public events? Do you notice how, by having
inappropriate reactions, people are doing themselves and their interests no

Especially while the asteroid, Virchow, in 21 Aries, is opposite the TNP,
Zeus, you want to be aware of how (Zeus) inflammation and anxiety can impact
cells and souls-- and as this opposition forms a T-square to Pluto, you know
it's doing no favor to your guts, metabolism and deep psychological desire
for equanimity.

If transiting Sphinx, Rx in 24 Taurus is important in your chart now, it can
be making a number of parans oppositions. Just to start, all by itself,
Sphinx has questions. Make it retrograde and some of those questions are
about things that already happened. Other questions just don't get fully
articulated. And the questions, the Unknowns, are gonna' be about aspecting
energies, and some of those in parans oppositions are:
* Tisiphone: Is "Justice" being served? Are things "Fair" or simply
* Toro: Is there a kind of "bullying" happening? When does Strength or
Toughness turn into Aggression?
* Mnemoysne: What do you remember? Why are there Memory questions now? Is
what you remember accurate?

While the Node is still hanging out with the TNP, Hades, you can observe
"criminal syndicates" as Hades will be describing the connections that the
Node wants to represent. But there can be missed meetings; close others can
be dealing with illness or problems and your link with others can be focused
on depression or the past.

It's kinda' cool to see Pluto with the retrograde Sisyphus in opposition.
At some points, I think you'll see that (Sisyphus) some themes, reactions
and actions REPEAT b-e-c-a-u-s-e of Pluto. Maybe a person is trying too
hard to control...punish...or dominate. This "Here we go again" theme of
Sisyphus can also be happening because a person isn't Authenic and/or isn't
truly in touch with thier "gut level" truth. It's as though the energies
are saying: "Until you act with Integrity, this is gonna' keep happening!"

Depending on the angles of your current Lunar Returns, you could have a
square of the TNP, Hades, in 09 Cancer, to the asteroid, Malpighi, in 07
Aries. So, we know that Malpighi can indicate blood tests and respiratory
issues, so.... if this square is important in your chart now, you can be
dealing with respiratory crap. Hades can represent bacteria and/or viruses.
With Malpoghi indicating your lungs-- yes, the impact of Hades can represent
a health compromise in the form of bacterial or viral infection.

Like everything here, there are additional aspects, but did you notice the
Poseidon-Mars conjunction now in 14 and 17 Scorpio? If you think of
Poseidon as "the Media, film, ethics, education or conscience," what events
do you see where there are challenges to Ethics or Truth? Do you see
iustances where an individual is playing the Mars role to make (Poseidon)
the news, the churches, the schools or films to tell it like it is?

On December 15th, Mercury is in 09 Sag... and so is Bacchus! If this degree
axis is important in your chart, how many ways do you see "drunk talk" or
"Addiction Think"? That doesn't have to be literal; you can observe
(Mercury) thinking and talking that really shows (Bacchus) an emotional
immaturity, a strong self forcus and several layers of denial (of emotional
or actual Realities.)

Also mid-month, there is a conjunction of Eros in 18 Capricorn to Saturn in
19 Capricorn. If these degrees are important in your chart or angular on
one of your current Lunar Returns, depending on the angle, you can hear of
how aging affects the heart and hormonal levels. You might hear more about
how sex is involved in the drive for success or affects someone's
reputation. You can also be aware of how (Saturn) aging affects (Eros) the
passion for life.

As always, there's lots more to say about each of these, but, hopefully,
these notes get you thinking about Asteroids and tuning in to what's
resonating in your experience now.

Note: To get much more detail on aspects such as are mentioned here,
subscribe to the Professional Research Databases. It's just $12.00 a month
and there's no long term committment. If you find you don't use it, you can
cancel at any time. It includes access to the incredible Medical section
and to the Mundane listing (for crime and other work.) Note that all of
these areas are completely text searchable. You can look things up by the
asteroid, planet or TNP name OR by any word that interests you. (This means
you can type in: psychology, revenge, heart, hearing, car, exercise, muscle,
cancer, treatment, rivalry-- you get the idea! It's astronishing... not to
mention Fun!)

martha lang-wescott