So many of us who have had Covid continue to have hours and days of those same symptoms—just not as intense. You know to use the TNP Hades for a viral infection and also the asteroids Lai, Monroe and Kitazato. The asteroid, Thucydides, also speaks to the theme of epidemics and pandemics. Are such factors received by Neptune or one of the medical asteroids in your chart?

When people have recurring symptoms, check the asteroid Sisyphus. That someone has trouble recovering inclines toward the asteroid, Astraea.

A new study has come out that indicates that the virus can reside in blood clots for those with ongoing symptoms. For this potential, look to points that represent blood such as Sanguin and the TNP and asteroid, Zeus. For the thickening or clotting, see the TNP Admetus and the asteroids Admete and Admetos aspecting a blood factor. Note that, as well as referring to lungs, the asteroid, Malpighi, can also indicate a blood clot.

See how these factors are triggered by solar arc directions, transits and eclipses.

Feel free to groan!

The November 2021 issue of the print newsletter, Tools of the Trade, features charts that showcase the connection between addiction and suicide and the chart of a child said to have hyper sexuality. A child? Subscribe now in the site shop.

Hope you’re doing well.