You'll need to either calculate and draw your current Tropical & Precessed
(or Sidereal) Lunar Returns to see if any of these aspects are angular OR
pay meticulous attention to the things that pass through your brain (and
check the returns afterwards.) These are some of the aspects that will
manifest in events as August comes to a close and September kicks off.
Remember: September has a lunar and solar eclipse and those degrees (and
what they mean in your chart) will be featured in lots of events and
reactions. do the following show up in your mind or life?

* The opposition of Kronos (in 09 Cancer) to Pluto (now in 13 Capricorn)
continues to have substance and can show up as angular on your returns. On
one level, it's "power struggles among the famous or officials." On another
level, it's about $$$ and famous people or government officials. On still
another level, it's about legal issues that are meant to "adjust" a person's
belief in their ability to control their own destiny. You might also
interpret this as "an official attempts to create or install major
change--and some of this has to do with financial levels." At another time,
you'd have Kronos (officials or famous people) manifesting (Pluto) wealth or
power. There can also be stuff about how a (Kronos) well-known person
(Pluto) dominates others or exhibits charisma and financial acumen. (Do you
hear Donald Trump's sudden prominence here? What else?)
* With Demeter conjunct Panacea, it will, in some cases, be up to children
to solve problems. You may see that there are care-taking problems in need
of solutions. You may also be aware of a problem associated with diet,
shopping or food preparation-- and, again, Panacea wants to come up with
solutions or improvements.
* From the Panacea-Niobe, you will be aware of people who pride themselves
on being Problem-Solvers. But this period of time may bring humbling
experiences on that front.
* In preparation for the lunar eclipse, there's Handley conjunct Juno. And
while this can bring up the idea of partners or others who are dealing with
cancer, also look for examples of toxicity in relationship and major
financial problems. In some individuals, the (Handley--cancer...) that's
eating away at them is how they handle $$$ or dealings with other people.
On a larger scale, public events can feature a societal "cancer" regarding
their handling of Human Rights.
* There are many delineations of the Valentine conjunct Apollonia in early
Libra. One that merits attention is that these two energies can combine
where there is human (sex) trafficking; the asteroid, Apollonia lends the
idea of commerce or business, and, of course, Valentine, like Eros,
contributes the role of Sex.
* If you incorporate the Aesculapia (just a few degrees ahead in Libra,)
you want to include the idea that some of the manifestation of
Eros-Apollonia will occur in the medical arena-- and this can mean that a
person has several cardiac or reproductive health issues.
* With Zeus in 16 Libra and Uranus, Rx in 19 Aries, the world continues to
have Zeus\Uranus events. This can bring things like: sudden bursts into
flame; rebellious behavior linked to guns or explosions; unexpected shows of
anger; the ability to (Zeus:) incite others to (Uranus) behave in unexpected
ways or to believe in social change (be it socialism or something more
extreme.) While you think of Zeus as "a bolt of lightning," remember that
it is also creative, productive and well-organized. Now apply those talents
to Uranus! Wow! Also think of Uranus as "technology." Now consider the
way that ISIS has used technology to incite and attract adherents. And
with Daedalus in 15 Libra as September begins, we have to add the idea of
"cleverness" and the ability to escape without consequences. Of course we
also have to see that the Daedalus-Zeus\Uranus will also manifest in some
events as things that are inventive and clever and creative...and done with
(Uranus) computers or other technological gadgets.
* When you see an Orpheus conjunct Apollon, you do think of events in which
a number of people lose their lives. Remember that this conjunction can
also bring events in the music industry to your attention.
* With the medical asteroid, Asclepius in 06 Sag (per September 1st) and
Icarus only a few degrees ahead, if this is featured/angular on one of your
returns,you can hear of some kind of "emergency medicine" or be reminded
that it's sometimes essential to quickly seek medical treatment. Too, the
Icarus can bring up concern about "risks"-- and the Asclepius tells you that
the concern about risk has to do with medical problems.
* The Asclepius-Icarus is in parans opposition to the asteroid, Phaethon,
in Gemini. Now you have the likelihood of seeing emergency medical vehicles
such as ambulances. You also have concerns about driving to the doctor or
hospital. You can notice "speeding cars" or "medical conditions that
progress rapidly." (And more about those ailments can be shown through
other angular points on your returns.)
* It's extremely interesting to see Memoria conjunct Pluto and Poseidon-A
(the asteroid--not the TNP)-- with all three retrograde. In some incidents,
"memory problems" will suit the attempted manipulations of Pluto-- ie., a
person may not exactly remember...because they're trying to control the
situation or mess with the questioner. In other situations, "remembering"
becomes a "high stakes" matter and "problems with accurate memory" suit the
fact that knowing is more complicated (and may be about debt, financing, or
fear of recriminations.) It's nearly amusing to see the inclusion of
Poseidon: does someone not remember THE TRUTH? Does the media participate
in allowing memory lapses (and with Kronos in parans opposition) of public
figures? Is there some (Kronos) official questioning to try to get someone
to acknowledge what they knew?
* From early Virgo, Eros is applying to oppose Neptune, Rx and, yeah, this
can show up in events as noticing people who are "sexually glamorous;" you
can hear of sexual fantasy, but you can also hear about "a weakened heart,"
fluid around the heart or heart failure. There is also concern that a person's passion for life is built on fantasy or has been weakened by confronting reality or dealing with sexual deception.
* From the conjunction of Astraea in 19 Cancer (as the month begins) and
Ophelia in 21 Cancer, you can observe that part of the reason that a person
is having trouble "getting over" something is that they had an exaggerated
reaction to it (either emotionally or physically-- and probably both!)
* While there are other delineations of a Venus, Rx conjunct Mars, one thing
you can look for is examples of people who don't have great social skills
and whose relationships are complicated due to strong ego assertion and the
tendency to be self-centered. A person can "go for themselves" and not
realize the failure to compromise or think of the Other Person.
* In 03 Aries, a retrograde Sphinx is in parans opposition (apparent
opposition, credited because of the angular position to return chart angles)
to the North Node and lots else. But just from that, we know there are
going to be questions about past associates, associations and connections.
When Sphinx is retrograde, questions can be about the past, they can be
about things that no longer seem so mysterious, or can be a test of the
veracity of answers. So: who do you see being questioned where the answers
aren't trusted or believed? Where are you aware of questions about the
past? (And with the asteroid, Zeus, in conjunction, Who is getting angry
because they're questioned?)
As always, there are additional delineations you could add to these energy
combinations, but this brief review is intended to encourage or tempt you to
draw out your current return charts and pay lots of attention to the phrases
and events that stick in your mind. How can you astrologically account for
those? If you notice a school, a building of worship (such as a church or
temple,) or a place that has "a spiritual vibe," why is the current
House\Poseidon, in 12 Scorpio-Taurus important to you now and what
astrological method shows that?
With the eclipses breathing down our necks, their Agenda will be strong (for
those whose charts are potently affected by the eclipse axis and umbra.) As
the  eclipse pressures strengthen, how are you being shown that
clinging to the Past is no longer an effective strategy? You've become
stronger; you've learned better options. It's time to step into the person
you've almost become. Yeah, it'll be a little scary and a little
uncomfortable, but: you've got this. Take the leap into the new You!

Eclipses can bring periods of diffuse depression.  You can be losing or relinquishing defenses and beliefs you've held for a long time-- and you're doing so before you have replacement strategies. This means that you need to be very kind to and patient with your dear self. You're doing the best you can. The next month asks for you to be tender towards yourself and others (who may also be struggling with the Agenda of one of the eclipses.)  When events and people remind you of the past, mentally point at them and release're moving on!