Going through some old files, I found one from my early years of testing asteroids.  It was from 1986 (<—!!!  Good heavens, that was nearly 40 years ago!). A friend of mine was a psychotherapist working in a prison with juvenile offenders.  She was able to get permission to give me a bunch of charts.  Of course what I saw then using my basic list of asteroids is different than what I can see now.  There seems to be so very much crime by teenagers these days, I thought I might mention some asteroids  for you to work with.

For basic Juvenile Delinquency, Marvin #4309 and Sellin #5789.  If it’s a Juvenile Sex Offender, Lane #4770 and/or Ryan #21936.  For a Rapist, see Leda #38 or Nessus #7066.  Consider also something like Toro with Eros or Valentine.

The demands of the transition into adolescence is partly shown by Juvenalis #2818. (Is that axis particularly difficult?) Part of what is happening then is a surge of hormones. As well as using Harvey and Toro for hormones, see also Claudebernard #73984, Oliver #2177 and Schaefer #15412.

Does Psyche speak of important damage or sensitivity in the life and perception?

Several recent cases have had teenagers beat a person.  See Savage #29837 or Beate #1043...and Toro and the pattern of Mars.

Many juvenile offenders have dealt with parental abuse or neglect.  As well as using traditional points, such as Cupido and those for parents—including Ceres and Demeter— to check for that, see also Graham #3541 and Steinberg #13499.

Some teens and preteens are strongly affected by their peers.  How are Sappho, the Node and Uranus aspected in the Chart?  Where there is impact from gangs, see Gangkeda #202784 and Bondos #27997. An aspect such as Arachne-Sappho may also represent this.

Juvenile delinquency is more common where there is poverty.  Does the asteroid Poor indicate this?  It is also more likely when there are school problems.  When you examine the TNP and asteroid, Poseidon, do you see this?

Being comfortable with regular social interaction can also be problematic for the delinquent.  Venus?

One of the common crimes for this age group is robbery.  See Laverna #2103.  See also Bacchus and Dionysus for drugs.  An Apollon - Bacchus is one way for the chart to show Business-Drugs or a Drug Dealer.

For prison, see Folsom #17952, Angola #1712 and Attica #1138.

Of course, Pluto and the TNP Hades will be strong in the chart.