Early July features an alignment of Melpomene, Lilith, Atlantis, Podalarius, Rx and Poseidon, Rx from 02 - 10 Scorpio.  IF these energies are "angular" on one of your July return charts, here are some of the things you can expect (and they'd come through the circumstances of the angle at which they occur:

  • Starting with the Melpomene-Lilith, you think of the fact that an event features decisions that are made in the midst of a tragic scenario.  You may also hear of how jealousy or infidelity figures into a tragedy.
  • Adding the Atlantis, you can imagine that personal information-- information that wasn't supposed to be made public-- comes out... and it concerns that rivalry and some details about a tragedy.
  • But also see the Lilith-Atlantis as "a decision to 'go public' and confess or reveal previously confidential material."
  • Also imagine the Lilith as a person contemplating a choice or decision... but there's Atlantis... holding a warning or presenting negative expectations or an aura of "bad karma."  (It's tough to make a clear decision with those kinds of vibes in the background!)
  • Now add the retrograde medical asteroid, Podalarius.  Lilith with a medical asteroid often points to "a medical decision."  But the Atlantis is hovering with that negativity; it's issuing warnings; it's saying that things won't turn out well.  (And underneath all that, Atlantis may be murmuring that a person deserves no better!  Yikes!)  So if you or others are facing decisions about health care, try to remember that Atlantis is interjecting negative projections about the outcome.
  • The  presence of Poseidon adds a number of other scenarios.  When you see Melpomene with Poseidon, you have the thought that there can be a tragedy at a school, church or media center.  You might also expect that a calamity can be related to a (Poseidon, Rx) perversion of religion or belief.
  • Take the Lilith with Poseidon and one of the things that's apt to catch your attention is how various religions or belief systems treat gender.  Another Lilith-Poseidon manifestation is how intelligence, morality or religion figures into a person's decision-making process.  On lighter days, you may hear of choices about education such as "What college will I attend?"
  • The Atlantis-Poseidon can also bring a reference to religious "confession" and to the notion that "God" demands expiation for one's sins.
  • The conjunction of the medical asteroid with Poseidon can show up as references to xrays or lasers or other tests that use light.  It's also a combination of energies that urge you to examine what you (Poseidon) BELIEVE about your health or medical treatment.  It's possible that you'll hear of things like prayer circles for sick people and scientific studies have shown that prayer actually helps with some illnesses (but not with others.)
  • Among the parans oppositions to the above alignment in early July are the asteroids Hera, Libitina and Virchow.  Some of the manifestations will be:
  • Concern about a partner's health--possibly with warnings of rejection and decisions made about or because of their health.
  • Note that a Lilith\Juno can indicate that finances are relevant in a decision-making process.
  • Attention will go to (Libitina) the consequences of decisions and of personal revelations.  With both Atlantis and Libitina suggesting dire consequences (for a relationship, due to a medical problem--including one that has existed for a while,) if these energies are on your angles, you will need to keep a level-head!
  • Virchow does suggest a pathology and it rules a large number of medical problems (such as embolisms, cancer and metastasis,) but check radix points on these return chart angles for a pointer to the particular area of concern.  Also note that the word, pathology, doesn't have to refer to a medical context.  Virchow is still conjunct Hera; so look for "pathologies of relationship" where there are very negative exchanges and abnormalities.
  • For example, you would consider the Hera-Virchow\Lilith as one of the patterns, and it would point to a relationship or partner who may have an abnormal need for rivalry or a habit of infidelity.
  • You will also see the medical asteroid\Hera as: concern for another's or a partner's health, issues about the cost of medical care, and concern about patients' rights.  (The Atlantis-Podalarius\Hera brings up the idea of protection of the privacy of one's health information.)

As always, there's much more (including late June's cross of Mars over Hades and Pandora square the asteroid, Zeus, for explosions and guns.  This can imply an unexpected attack, so stay alert!  But it'll be on the news!)