You may remember "Johnny Rotten" of the Sex Pistols band. And it's amazing
that his chart carries Kronos/Hades = Aries (er, that's Kronos: Fame for
Hades: Rotten to the Aries: Public Personna!) His chart also carries
Hades/Pluto = Aries Point and Mercury/Pluto = Aries and Uranus/Zeus = Aries,
but it turns out he's not so (Hades) "rotten" afterall. But Hades and
Mercury are still with him.

His wife, Nora, has advanced dementia and he takes care of her. If you've
had any experience with a dementia patient, you'll know how beautiful it is
to say that Nora doesn't know much but she still recognizes him!

Johnny Rotten-- John Lydon, was born on January 31, 1956 in London at 3:00
am. As you set up his chart, you will want to make sure it shows (his
wife:) Hera in 04 Sag with Psyche in 05 Gemini (per this coming eclipse)
with Ophelia in 04 Sag and the asteroid, Cupido-A, also in 04 Sag. The
Hera-Psyche begins a discussion about the partner's brain and
psychological-emotional awareness. What's so poignant is the presence of
Cupido-A here. Cupido-A can represent "the face or appearance." Despite
advanced Dementia, Nora recognizes him. When she sees him, she knows "its
HIM!" (If you've had experience with relatives with dementia, you know how
amazing this is. In aspect from 19 Capricorn is the asteroid, Demeter-- the

Note that these 04 Sag and 05 Gemini points are in the headlights of the
coming Lunar Eclipse in 05 Sag.

While there are specific medical asteroids (see the Research Access area of
the website) for Alzheimer's and other kinds of dementias, you can check the
asteroids Memoria and Mnemosyne for the general idea of Memory. In this
chart, Memoria is in 21 Taurus. It is conjunct the medical asteroid, Blok,
which also stands for dementia. In 21 Taurus, you'd also find the asteroid,
Grieve-- and that gives you a memorable example of how and why a person
would "grieve."

In his chart, the asteroid, Juno (partner,) is in 00 Capricorn closely
conjunct the medical indicator, Hygiea. So we have the idea of a partner
with a health issue. This conjunction then carries an octile (45*) to
Astraea, and that suggests that the partner develops a medical problem that
(Astraea) precludes recovery and may go to the idea of (Astraea) visual
understanding and recognition.

You may want to consider the Vertex as "the partner" and see its aspect to
Pluto, Rx and Jupiter, Rx (as well as to the medical asteroid, Asclepius.)
If you check the website medical research, you find that another "dementia"
point is Briggs, and it is conjunct the Vertex! Too, the Moon in 27 Virgo
carries a square from the medical asteroid, Asclepius (with an aspect to
Orpheus: music, sorrow, depression and loss. Did you know that depression
and grief are risk factors for dementia?)

While we think of the asteroid, Orpheus, as Music--see his in 11 Aq conjunct
his Sun, it is also about Loss and that level of sorrow. Note that this
Podalarius (medical issues) is in 10 Scorpio--and there's more in this
pattern-- including Pythia in 10 Taurus, so there you have the idea of a
medical problem that is made more "sorrowful" due to the fact that, with
Pythia, you just don't know or when how things will turn out.

Of course there's lots more in the chart, but I hope this gives you some
ideas as you consider this particular theme in it! Doesn't it give you a
different sense of Johnny "Rotten"?

I hope you know that you can order emailed or printed charts and asteroid
lists. Just be in touch.