Happy New Year!
I wanted to mention some configurations that are forming as we start the New
Year. There is a lengthy alignment in mid-Sagittarius that really tests
delineation. Even if we take just part of it, we have Askalaphus, Astraea,
Odysseus, Saturn, Juno, Podalarius, Toro, Nemesis, Orpheus, Cupido and the
still retrograde Mercury! As we attempt to make sense of it, we need to
remember that energies can manifest just as themselves, in combinations with
one, two, three or more energies, and--when the alignment is this long--in
what are kind of "midpoint" configurations. So let me try to give you a
jump start with delineation ideas:

1. When you see the medical asteroid (here, Askalaphus) with Astraea, you
can expect that there may be medical issues that affect the eyes. But there
can also be medical problems that are slow to resolve or from which a person
has a slow recovery.

2. By adding Odysseus, you think of illnesses that occur while away from
home, that complicate travel, or that necessitate travel. For instance, a
person may have to go somewhere else for treatement, may get sick on a
journey, or may be so ill that travel is difficult. You may also hear of
medical conditions that are carried by travelers or immigrants.

3. Next we add Saturn. Some possibilities with a Saturn that is
characterized as manifesting medically are: illnesses associated with aging,
bones, teeth, calcification, spine or the gallbladder. If we take the image
of Askalaphus/Saturn = Astraea, we can have manifestations such as: When an
elderly person or father is ill, their recovery is slow. We might also have
the idea that a medical problem with the spine or gallbladder just doesn't
seem to be resolving.

4. Now we try to add Juno to the mix. The medical asteroid with Juno can
refer to the cost of medical care. It can also mean that a partner or
others is affected by a medical situation. Let's imagine that adding
Odysseus, Saturn and Juno speaks of a situation where there is some
separation between partners because of travel necessitated by an illness or
medical treatment.

5.The asteroid, Podalarius, is another medical asteroid, and these "medical"
asteroids only refer to the existance of a medical condition or contact with
the medical profession. There are (so far) more than 1200 "medical
asteroids" that pinpoint diagnoses, symptoms, organs and metabolic issues.
Here we have the emphasis on "medical" and it's joined to the asteroids Toro
and Nemesis. That can mean that someone has a medical condition that
affects their musculature. It can also mean that a medical problem is
related to hormones such as testosterone or progesterone. If this alignment
is featured in your chart, you may see that people use the Toro to become
nasty and aggressive (to Juno--their partner or others) in conjunction with
a medical condition.

6. When you see the asteroid, Nemesis, with medical factors, you know that
there is some search for what has caused an illness. But given the Juno and
Toro, you may find that an illness is "blamed" for why a person is reacting
so aggressively toward others.

7. The asteroid, Orpheus, is also part of this configuration and it does
stand for depression and, possibly, death. Combine it with the medical
focus and you could hear of terminal illnesses. Match it with Askalaphus
and Astraea and maybe you hear of an illness where there is no recovery (and
so the disease is considered terminal.) Take Odysseus with Orpheus and you
suspect there will be mention of a death that occurs far from home, but you
could also hear of deaths associated with migrants.

8. Even though there are two medical asteroids in this long line,
participants can sort of "jump out of the line" and take just another one or
two factors with them. So imagine that Orpheus jumps out of line and takes
Toro with him. Then you can hear of the death of a fighter, football
player, a member of another rough sport; some "tough guy" could die or you
could hear of someone who is "beaten to death."

9. Remember that Orpheus will often manifest as depression and/or music.
So.... the Podalarius with Toro and Orpheus could, at least once, show up as
someone being sad because, due to their medical status, they have lost
substantial strength. And in it's representation as Music, there can be
events that involve Rap or Rap Artists (a whole genre of Tough Guys!)

10. As we add the transneptunian, Cupido, we could see events as a
(Orpheus-Cupido) music venue (like a club or concert space.) We could also
realize the impact a death or terminal illness would have on a family. We
could hear of people who are ill and (Orpheus-Cupido) die at home.

11. Although there are specific asteroids for hospitals (such as Semmelweis
#4170) when you see a medical factor (such as Podalrius here) with Cupido,
which stands for a home or place, you have a sketch of a doctor's office or
hospital. So... the Odysseus-Podalarius-Cupido can be a hospital or medical
facility that is far from home!

12. As you add Mercury, you know you have to allow Mercury to have
conversations with all of the other energies in the group. So there can be
such things as: discussion of a medical condition, travel by car, thoughts
of separation or sad & lonely thoughts, discussion of (Juno) accounting or a
partner, dialogue with a doctor, thoughts on aging and mortality, having the
words to a song run through your head without end, hearing very feisty or
angry talk, and important family conversations. Sometimes the (Mercury)
talk will pull in a number of these energies into one conversational
paragraph. With Mercury retrograde, some thoughts or decisions will have to
be revisited. As you use that Mercury, beware of assuming you are
completely understanding another. Know also that there can be ailments
associated with Mercury (such a nerve issues or lung problems.)

A...n...d, you still have to pull in more chairs around this table to allow
your natal energies (around mid to late Sag) to react to what's going on!
How are they apt to respond to or feel about these transiting influences and