As of today, the transneptunian, Hades, is in 09 Cancer and the
transneptunian (aka TNP,) Kronos, is in 12 Cancer. You are encountering
them constantly (unless you live in a cave, have no internet or media
contact, don't listen to a radio, are utterly healthy...well, you get the
idea.) Some people are reluctant to use the TNPs perhaps due to their
association with Uranian Astrology. But I hope after reading this, you take
another look at them and apply them and their aspects in your own chart.

With Neptune currently in 19 Pisces, the world has been (obviously) dealing
with Neptune/Hades = Poseidon (the media) and, increasingly, Hades/Kronos
= Aries (the public--as in the Average Person, the zeitgeist, public events
and opinions.)

Let's just focus on some of the ways the Hades/Kronos is showing up in the
world. Kronos can represent things such as: a father or father figure, an
official (government or otherwise,) the police, the police, "elites" such as
celebrities or those of high profile, laws and legalities, opinions and
assessment of competency. Hades can indicate The Past, bacteria and viruses,
chronic problems, mistakes, shame, insults, detail, your intestines, secrecy
and nausea.

If you haven't previously used these (2 of 8) TNPs, just take those keywords
to their dial axis or aspects in your chart and see how they help describe
incidents. Then put them in the charts of some folks you know well to begin
to expand your understanding of them.

But in this very strange NOW in which we're living, we have these two
constantly joined by other points occurring in their midpoint, but also just
showing up, day after day. Let me offer some examples of Hades-Kronos:

1. It seems that every day we are shown yet another example of some incident
from the (Hades) past of some (Kronos) famous person, celebrity or
government official.
2. We constantly see attempts to (Hades) shame or undermine a (Kronos)
celebrity, "elite" or person in government.
3. There are frequent stories about (Hades) mistakes or criminality on the
part of (Kronos) the police. And stories also attempt to (Hades) undermine
their (Kronos) authority.
4. Certainly there is the running commentary about (Kronos) experts
regarding the (Hades) pandemic virus. There are also the ongoing
questioning of (Kronos) opinions and competency about the (Hades) virus, and there are the
stories that demonstate that the (Kronos) opinions of the experts are often
(Hades) mistaken.
5. We hear of claims that the (Kronos) officials, very wealthy, celebrities
and other elites are attempting to manage (Hades) the common people.
6. While most of us would use the asteroid, Hopi, for racism, prejudice and
borders, in the past, Hades was sometimes used to refer to the African
continent and its people. Using that idea, we also see a lot about claims of
(Hades) racism in (Kronos) officials, laws and celebrities.
7. You can hardly take a breath without another example of the (Hades)
negation of a (Kronos) law or opinion. This includes the idea that Hades
can be part of the whole "Cancel Culture" affecting important people but
also the opinions and stature of others.
8. There is just this ongoing (Hades) Insult phenonmena so that (Kronos)
people in authority and those of us with our own opinions are undermined,
labeled and nominated for shame and stupidity. (This doesn't mean that
some--including leaders in every country-- are not making mistakes, subject
to some version of the lowest common denominator or a secrecy to protect
their status and reputation.)

Today, for example, there are medical asteroids aspecting the Hades/Kronos
(and, I'm writing this because they transiting Sun is also in that axis.)
But just delineate the importance of the medical context: medical experts
can be mistaken, a medical condition can worsen.... You get the idea.) So
how is Hades configured in your chart? How does it affect aspecting points?
Does the Kronos in your chart have important stuff to say (re aspects) about
your father or you assessment of your own competence? Have you had
involvement with legalities? And, if these points are retrograde, how does
that affect your experience and delineation?

(Note: the asteroid, Kron, can be interpreted like the TNP Kronos.) If you
find mistakes in this writing: yay! Another Hades!
Extensive delineations of the TNPs can be found in my books, “The Orders of Light” and “Angles and Prediction.”

Hope all is well with you~
martha lang-wescott