Have you explored the meaning of the asteroid, Discovery #9770, in your chart?

Here are some brief examples of what it can bring by aspect to:

Aesculapia or one of the other medical asteroids: A medical issue can be diagnosed. Something positive about the health can be found.
Ceres or Demeter: Realize something about the mother or a child. Find some fabulous food or recipe you’ve never tried before.
Cupido: Family secrets can surface.
Hades: You might discover things about the past, through research, something that was hidden or, even, criminal or corrupt. A detail you never knew could come to light.
Juno: oh! So, you didn’t always know THAT about a partner!
Kassandra: You find out something that explains why you didn’t exactly believe someone.
Kronos: Finding out stuff you hadn’t known about your father, a government official, a boss or celebrity isn’t always pleasant.
Lie: The asteroid, Lie, all but invites Discovery!
Lilith: While you could, at some point, find out about an infidelity, there would be other times of coming to know things that assist the decision-making process.
Psyche: New information and insights can offer a better understanding of the reasons and circumstances for emotional scars and the attitudes and behaviors that spring from them.
Sphinx: You see the importance of asking the right questions to have new ideas and information. Sphinx can represent Unknowns; that just invites Discovery!

So how is Discovery working in your chart natally? Where was it by solar arc when important new information came to you? When, by solar arc, was it in aspect with Pluto?

And where was it when you discovered the study of Astrology?
