Configurations for Mid-February into early March 2015
Events, conversations, thoughts, feelings, reactions and news for this time
period, especially…IF the patterns mentioned here are angular (within 10*
either side of your lunar return angles for this time period) or make close
aspects to your chart—especially radix and directed personal points.
Ø An early (say around 9-10*) Leo angle now will pick up a grouping of 5
asteroids and the planet, Jupiter. In the chart I’m using here, this angle
is the Tropical return chart MC. So when we consider the angular position
of Juno, Rx here, we have to include the MC connotations. That means, for
instance, that a person can be concerned about the future of a relationship,
about relationships at work, about how a partner or partnership can affect a
person’s career or reputation, about about financial matters related to a
job—and this includes future prospects regarding income. Now, Juno (and all
the transiting factors at this angle,) is retrograde. That adds a note
about the relevance of past relationships; it increases the potential for
inequality in a relationship; and it will likely bring an example or two of
public instances of human rights violations.
Ø Isis is conjunct Juno so that brings up issues or events with sibling
relationships (and the partners of siblings or the siblings of partners.)
There can also be an instance of “partial payments” or something about
relationships that are either “part time” or in separate locations.
Ø Then the alignment features Sisyphus and Nemesis. It’s tricky to have a
retrograde Sisyphus; that suggests that the whole business of starting over
(with a relationship) has a negative history or isn’t as easy as is wished.
And part of the reason is found in the retrograde Nemesis. “The cause of
problems” (Juno) in a relationship aren’t straightforward or simple (so,
with the Rx Sisyphus, can ya’ really start over…or do the problems just
start over too?)
Ø Also contributing to the complexity here is the retrograde Niobe. One of
the things to say in the context of Juno and Nemesis here is that, a
relationship problem has caused “hurt pride” and/or that a relationship
encounters inequities because at least one of the parties has an insecure
Ø This doesn’t mean that you won’t see something about a sibling dealing
with wounded pride in a child or where a person is overly invested in a
child (suggesting a weakness in their own ego.)
Ø The factors at this angle end with the Jupiter, Rx. There’s a suggestion
of fragile self-confidence here; there are notes about travel and
relationship and about problems associated with a lack of self-confidence
and security in a relationship. There can be differences in religion or
“life philosophy” that complicate a relationship. Some problems can be the
principle of More & Better—ie., one partner seems to have or be “more or
better” than the other (at least in the mind and view of one of the parties…
so then “equality” within the relationship just isn’t happening.”)
Ø Among the parans oppositions (factors at an opposite angle that are read
as oppositions even though the orb might not so indicate,) are Mercury,
Tisiphone and Vesta. So start with the relationship issues we’ve already
identified…then add the Mercury so you know there’s lots of talk about it
all. But then add the Tisiphone and Vesta and you can have punishing tones
and emotional indifference. Yikes! If this is up in your chart, try to use
the Vesta to step back emotionally so that you can (Mercury) think and talk
about the problems and see the cause of problems more clearly.
Ø An early Scorpio angle will pick up Harvey, Kalypso, Odysseus, Apollon and
Malpighi. Harvey with Kalypso and Malpighi suggests some awareness of a
hidden heart-lung problem. There can be concerns about circulation while
Ø One of the ways that an Apollon-Odysseus tends to manifest is contact with
travel-related businesses, but it can also show up as multiple trips or
several locations. Because Arachne is in early Taurus, there is the
likehood of using the Internet to look up or book locations away from home.
Ø (By adding your radix factors that would be angular at these angles, you
will be able to add additional detail.)
Watch now for events and reactions prompted by the coming eclipses ~ especially near lunations.