Depending, of course, on the angles for your return chartS (both Tropical &
Sidereal) for this month, these are some of the issues that can cross your
An early Virgo angle with feature an alignment of Handley, Aesculapia,
Panacea, Apollonia and Valentine--all retrograde. Because they're
retrograde, they can refer to a past or pre-existing issue and can include
the experiences of someone else (regardless of the return angle at which
they appear.) We use Handley to address other "malignancies" (see The
Medical List,) but it sure can point to a cancer. This characterization in
reinforced by the presence and conjunction of Aesculapia, but a
Handley-Aesculapia can also refer to an oncologist and to health symptoms
that point to cancer.
When we add the Panacea, Rx, the chart is pointing to "treatments" and
things designed to bring about an improvement, but, on the one hand, it is
covering prior treatments. It is also speaking of treatments that may not
have been or will not be effective. So this can paint a picture of someone
who had cancer and dealt with treatments that didn't block the cancer
progression. It's good to remember that a retrograde Panacea can carry a
negative expectation of treatments or solutions (and it's partly that which
needs to be "treated".) Also consider that a retrograde Panacea can refer
to a cancer or other medical condition that isn't so much "cured" as it is
watched and monitored.
Because the alignment goes on to include Apollonia, the expectation is that
a treatment protocol utilizes several approaches--ie., maybe radiation AND
chemo. Since Apollonia, like Apollon, represents "more than one," there can
also have been several courses of treatment. But, of iteself, the Apollonia
can indicate chemotherapy.
Incorporating the Valentine in this alignment means that the possibility of
hearing of breast, ovarian or prostate cancers is increased. It can also be
an alert regarding the role of hormones in a given cancer. (Look then to
the radix angulars for indications of whether you are dealing with thyroid,
intestinal, sex hormones or others.)
In the chart I'm using for these remarks, the above alignment carries parans
oppositions from a number of factors: Persephone, Venus, Neptune, Virchow,
Eros, Mars, Urania and Chiron. So:
You can be aware of how a cancer diagnosis isolates a person and causes them
to know that, despite a support system, they are, in many ways, very much
Alone and will have to face things no one can face for them.
The role of sugar, glucose and insulin resistance (metabolic syndrome) in
feeding cancer can be mentioned. You can also hear something about the
cancer process in terms of kidneys and regarding circulation. (And, if you
think of Handley as "something malignant" and not necessarily cancer, the
Venus\Handley can also bring up lousy relationships!)
When we see a Neptune\Aesculapia, we think about health issues due to a
challenged immune system. And this can relate to Handley's cancer, but it
can also refer to allergies, respiratory problems, and other medical
Since Virchow points to "pathologies," yes, the Virchow\Aesculapia can bring
attention to medical cell pathologies (and tests to identify such
pathologies.) But see Virchow beyond that strictly medical context so that
a Virchow-Urania is "a thought disorder, a pathology that exists in a
person's thinking or perspective." And a Virchow-Mars relates to
"pathological anger." So now you have Virchow-Urania-Mars and you know that
where there is a pathology--a disease that affects logic and rationality,
there can be actions based on that distortion, on that "sickness of mind."
And some of these actions can (= the Rx Panacea) be very poor ways of
reaching to solve a problem.
Adding Chiron into this mix means that there are anomalies, that exceptions
to the rules and expectations are presented. So... with a
Chiron\Aesculapia, a medical condition may be rare; symptoms may not be
totally in synch with a diagnosis; reactions to treatments can likewise be
unusual. Similarly with the reference to Handley as cancer. The cancer may
have unusual elements, be rare, or not reacting/progressing as expected.
When you have a Venus-Chiron, a relationship can need to have room for some
anomalities in the partner or in relationship roles and rules.
But the conversation of Virchow and Chiron can also point to "a pathology of
Difference"-- where a person has a claim to or expectation of being exempt
from the rules, of being exceptional or having some personal justification
for special treatment.
Given the Eros-Chiron, you should also hear of something out of the ordinary
re sexual behavior or cardiac symptoms.