These interactions can be part of your experience now; check your chart!More can be said about these, but hopefully this gets you thinkin' about Asteroids!
x = angular conjunction; \ = parans opposition
1. Amor x Atlantis: There can be times when you need to maintain personal boundaries so as to protect your privacy.
2. Aesculapia x Hebe: Interaction with a nurse or medical assistant or technician is to be expected, but there may be instances when a person expects utter tolerance and support because of their medical problems.
3. Aesculapia x Odysseus: Not only can someone need to travel for medical care (or because of the medical condition of someone else,) watch for the way a diagnosis can affect what has been a separation or estrangement between people.
4. Astraea x Juno: It's clear that someone hasn't "gotten over" a relationship.
5. Eros x Hades: While you could well see examples of vulgarity or crime associated with sex, the addition of a medical asteroid here could indicate cardiac or reproductive ailments. Since Hades can bring deterioration, there can be things like heart failure.
6. Eros x Kronos: Not only can sexual or sexuality issues surface through celebrities or officials, you can hear of legal matters that include a reference to sex. Too, at another time, someone may mention their cardiologist or a coronary artery!
7. Hephaistos\Poseidon: Among the things that make a couple mismatched is that their ideas, education, beliefs (or favorite TV shows) aren't similar.
8. Hidalgo x Neptune: If this pair is making a statement in your life now, realize that a deception can be hidden in what a person DOESN'T say. Also, a person's cautious disclosure can be a way to try to block being taken advantage of or seen as naive.
9. Kassandra x Kron: Are you finding officials, famous folks or even your Dad credible? Do you listen to them and take their advice? (If there's a medical asteroid with this, it can be that you aren't sure you want to follow the advice of a medical specialist.)
10. Odysseus x Saturn: Someone may discuss having to travel for work; difficulties encountered while away from home can be another topic. At another time, someone can mention estrangement from the father or the age when they left home.
11. Pluto\Sphinx: By all means, question a person's motives. Know that sometimes and/or some people ask questions to try to turn the tables on another or expose their weaknesses. Watch how an odd sort of "power" comes from the questions people pose; you'll see that there are times when "not knowing" or not having the facts isn't innocent and is part of a manipulation. Of course, there can be times under these energies when you or others are asking questions about Unknowable Life Mandates!
12. Toro\Zeus: The media can present a story about a (Toro) threat with (Zeus) a gun or bomb. You will see something about an assault rifle or notice that when a person is (Zeus) volatile or angry, they can (Toro) make threats or become abusive. Now, Toro is testosterone, so you may see some examples of machismo associated with the military.
13. Uranus\Zeus: There can be concerns about sudden military action here but you can also see changes or stress result in an angry outburst. If you can sit and glower at your computer or other electronic device, you can try to give these energies an outlet. The pairing is a good reminder to use the Zeus to get organized and finish projects when (Uranus) there are changes, innovations and new things to deal with.
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