As you know, we have three eclipses coming up and they can be associated
with important challenges and changes in your life--if they closely aspect
your radix and/or directed chart--especially those personal points
(luminaries, angles and Aries axis.) On June 5th, there's a Lunar Eclipse
in 15 Sag 34. On June 21st, there's a Solar Eclipse in 00 Cancer 21. Then,
on July 5th, a Lunar Eclipse will occur in 13 Capricorn 38. I thought it
might prove interesting to see other eclipses close to these degrees to try
to trace what they might have in mind. Of course, we aren't looking at the
full eclipse chart (and that would be telling.) What we are checking is how
"a punch" to these degrees might echo.

Being "a dial person," I would check the dial axis for these degrees, but
see what you make of it:

On June 5, 2020 there will be a LE (Lunar Eclipse) in 15 Sag 34. Formerly:

LE 14 Sa 06/04/2012
LE 18 Ge 12/10/2011
SE 18 Vi 09/11/2007
LE 13 Vi 03/03/2007
LE 15 Pi 09/07/2006
LE 13 Pi 09/06/1998

On June 21, 2020, there will be a SE (Solar Eclipse) in 00 Cancer 21. In
years past:

SE 29 Pi 03/30/2015
LE 29 Ge 12/21/2010
SE 28 Pi 03/19/2007
SE 00 Ca 06/21/2001
LE 29 Ge 12/21/1991
SE 27 Pi 03/18/1988
SE 29 Ge 06/21/1982

Then we have the Lunar Eclipse in 13 Capricorn on July 5th. Similar degree

SE 15 Cp 01/06/2019
LE 14 Li 04/04/2015
LE 15 Ar 10/08/2014
SE 13 Cp 01/04/2011
LE 15 Cp 07/07/2009
LE 13 Cp 07/05/2001
SE 14 Li 04/04/1996
LE 13 Ar 10/07/1987
LE 13 Cp 07/06/1982

For those of you outside the US, the dates as shown are Month/Day/Year.
If you are a subscriber to the Research Access areas of this website, do
include those medical asteroids that represent areas of concern for how the
eclipses may be affecting them. The July 2020 issue of "Tools of the Trade"
will focus on the important relevance of eclipses to medical manifestations
for two charts. Part of the accent is on eclipses the year before and many
months following significant events.