With all the dementia concern re President Joe Biden’s memory lapses, you’ve probably studied his chart: born November 20, 1942, 8:30 am, Scranton, Pennsylvania. When Memory is an issue, you can look to the Moon (his in 00 Taurus with natal things like Sphinx and Handley contending with the current transiting Pluto challenge) and to the asteroids Memoria and Mnemosyne but there are a number of medical asteroids that cover dementia and specific types of dementia.

One of these is Blok: 27 Ta 09, opp. Biden’s Sun natally.  Some others, with their radix position, include: Moseley 03 Ge 02, opp his Uranus-Asc; Burkhardt 05 Aq 09, with Aspects to his Rx Urania and MC; Snowdonia In 04 Leo 54–also to the MC and Urania—with both Burkhardt and Snowdonia also in his Sun axis!  This represents a very strong pattern.

Then there’s Tomlinson in 19 Cancer, square his Hades and in the Asc axis.  Willis, in 01 Leo square his Moon and Feldman, 20 Sag 04 with Aspects to the MC but also to the idea of tragedy via the asteroid Melpomene.

As always, the aspects to Personal Points (the luminaries, angles and Aries Pt axis) give importance and substance.

if you’re a subscriber to the Research Access sections of this website, you can find more information on the various kinds of dementias and accompanying symptoms that can affect speech, coordination and more.