
While we'll look at the angular factors in a subsequent post, let's use this
(Precession-Corrected) solar return for late December 2015 as a way to focus
on the radix Houses that are drawn to the return chart angles because of the
degrees on those angles. Notice the numbers in the little boxes that lead
out to each angle. These are the natal houses in which that angle occurs.

Let's start with the ASCENDANT. This is the "return chart Ascendant"-- not
the natal Ascendant. It occurs in the 12th House of the client's natal
chart. For the coming year, this "Ascendant" will bring 12th House matters
to it, and it will offer 12th House skills and resources as coping
mechanisms. Were this a chart for a client of yours, what kinds of things
would you say just based on the House? You might say, "This is a year that
will require that you reach into deep emotional or spiritual skills to
handle events. You will find that events and people draw on latent talents
and compassion. You may be very aware of the transpersonal roles people
play in the lives of others. While you will have an increased need for
solitude, there will be times to tap into that sometimes hidden well-spring
of strengths that you have. There can be times of coping with sorrows, it's
a year for service to the less fortunate and a refinement of the operation
of Faith in your life."

Of course you could say other things, and to do so, think about having the
12th House as your coping "resource" for the year. It's definitely a kitten
and not a tiger! It's more pudding than steak. But it has those skills of
acceptance, transcendance and important periods of introspection.

When you delineate the radix House in which the return chart MIDHEAVEN
occurs, you focus on how that House will handle ambitions, parental role,
planning for the future, and outside the home ventures or employment. This
is the chart of a woman who does not work outside the home. So what kinds
of Ninth House issues might be relevant for her? Were you delineating this
chart, you might say that the year is apt to hold long-distance contact and
travel. You might say that she would be interested in higher education for
her children, that she would be dealing with benevolent endeavors, and that
her out-of-home interests would include projects that would have her
combining her ideas with those of others. You might suggest that one of her
goals for the year involve a deeper search for Meaning and Truth and this
could well include an interest in Philosophy.

As you turn your attention to the DESCENDANT of the return, you see that the
return chart Descendant degree falls in the Sixth House of her natal chart.
So you know that (Descendant:) others and relationship matters will often
revolve around 6th House issues. Your interpretations would include the
idea that health or medical problems could impact a relationship. You might
mention that criticism and "perfection demands" would also be among the
challenges to relationship harmony (that she would see in her own
relationships or those of others.) Others may also have issues with
employees or conditions at their place of work. There may be times of
noticing the things a partner does to their own detriment. There can be
interaction with others in connection with pets or animals.

To begin a delineation of the IC, you join the natal House to the "sense" of
the angle, and the IC speaks of the past, the upbringing, the feelings, the
private life, and the need for sanctuary. Seeing the Third House here, you
bring up the importance of sibling relationships in a family. You might
discuss the difficulty the Third House would have as it wants to vocalize
and communicate... but the IC is a a place of feelings, and some of those
don't easily translate into words. You might also bring up the idea of
wanting to "withdraw" or stay at home in order to think, learn or read.

These are simplified examples because you'll actually have, potentially, two
houses at each angle and then you'd need to blend them. In a lunar return,
they'd be the same or successive houses, but in a solar return, they can be
very different. For example, in this chart, the Tropical solar return
Ascendant occurs in the client's natal Fourth House (and, as we've seen, the
Precessed or Sidereal chart's Ascendant degree occurs in the client's 12th
House.) Where the Houses are different, sometimes the person is dealing
with and using just one of the houses to respond through the angle. Other
times, they  find a combination of the two houses. For instance here,
she would have times of coping with (4th:) feelings and memories. But some
of those would cause great compassion and hypersensitivity. She might be
thinking of the past in ways that brought sorrow.

Too, after discussing the radix House at an angle, you would begin
incorporating and delineating the angular factors. For instance, where the
Ascendant is in the 12th House, and there can be secrets, sorrows and things
done to one's downfall, the factors there, Hades and Hera (both retrograde)
suggest porblems in relationship, tests of acceptance, worries about
finances and more. We'll talk more about that in a bit. What Houses are
angular in your current lunar or solar returns?

December 4, 2015