As we move to the holiday, I thought you might have fun placing these points in your charts. The positions are for Christmas Day 2021:

Rudolf #44613: 16 Aq 26
Santa #1288: 03 Pi 04
Ornamenta #350: 11 Sa 01
Nostalgia #3162: 01 Sa 36
Memoria #1247: 20 Pi 01
Mnemosyne #57: 07 Pi 42

The TNP: Cupido (family, relationship) 03 Cp 44
Jupiter: 29 Aq 18
Venus: 25 Cp 44, Rx (conjunct Pluto!)
Where you might use Ornamenta for both decorations and gifts, how does its position speak to That? Does the aspect pattern describe gifts given or received?
Do the memory asteroids bring up scenes from Christmas Past?
What’s going on with the (TNP Cupido) family or partner over the holidays? You might look at the asteroids Juno and Hera for partner issues now too. But note that Cupido is in the Venus-Pluto axis!
The Jupiter and Venus can also go to the idea of gifts and celebrations. How do you see the retrograde Venus with Pluto?

Happy Holidays!