by Martha Wescott | Feb 4, 2015 | Predictive Notes
Configurations for Mid-February into early March 2015 Events, conversations, thoughts, feelings, reactions and news for this time period, especially…IF the patterns mentioned here are angular (within 10* either side of your lunar return angles for this time period) or...
by Martha Wescott | Jan 25, 2015 | Predictive Notes
Depending, of course, on the angles for your return chartS (both Tropical & Sidereal) for this month, these are some of the issues that can cross your awareness: An early Virgo angle with feature an alignment of Handley, Aesculapia, Panacea, Apollonia and...
by Martha Wescott | Jan 3, 2015 | Predictive Notes
Mid-January-Mid-February Generally, the manifestation of the configurations discussed here will be stronger if the factors (planets, TNPs and asteroids) are "angular" (within 10 degrees--either side--of a return chart angle.) Key: a \ indicates a parans oppositon:...
by Martha Wescott | Dec 6, 2014 | Predictive Notes
Early December – Early January 2014 Draw your lunar or solar returns per the return chart angles, emphasizing the radix and transit factors that occur within ten degrees (either side) of the return chart angles. Let factors at the same angle “talk” to each other and...
by Martha Wescott | Dec 2, 2014 | Predictive Notes
Events, conversations, thoughts, feelings, reactions and news for this time period, especially…IF the patterns mentioned here are angular (within 10* either side of your lunar return angles for this time period) An early Aquarius angle features a really heavy...