Early Septmber Midpoints

Just to give you some things to consider as we head into the first weeks of September. These calculations are for postions on the Full Moon, Sept. 6, 2017. Certainly include dial axis points in your assessment: 1. Aries/Hopi = 07 Cancer 12: The Aries Point indicates,...

Eros-Hades & More: late May into June

These interactions can be part of your experience now; check your chart!More can be said about these, but hopefully this gets you thinkin' about Asteroids! x = angular conjunction; \ = parans opposition 1. Amor x Atlantis: There can be times when you need to maintain...

November Issues 2016

Going into November, here are some quick takes on aspects: Herein: x = angular conjunction, \ = parans opposition 1. From the conjunction of Pythia, Lachesis and Kalypso, you can expect that when a sequence (of events) is interrupted before the expected outcome or...

The 2016 Libra Ingress

As if two eclipses weren't enough! The Libra Ingress occurs on September 22, and while you'll want to run the chart for your own location (or for the US chart or Washington, DC-- or your own country or capital,) the important technique is to see how that chart...