2024 Solstice Midpoints

One of the usual methods to assess the impact of the Capricorn Ingress is to note midpoints and then see how they are impacting your chart.  As usual, your interest picks up on those midpoints to your Personal Points (angles, luminaries, Aries axis) but you probably...

November 2023 Aspects

Of course these will be only a few descriptions of what’s going on and they’ll only be registered for you if they’re “angular” on one of your Returns, solar or lunar. Angular means within ten degrees of a return chart angle. You see lots of examples and explanations...

Preview of Coming Attractions

The August 2023 issue of “Tools of the Trade” describes the math for finding the date Solar Return angles hit certain degrees or where the angles are on a given date. The methods use the accepted progression rate of the angles of 1.25* per day. That rate means that...