Sex in the Schools

This is the chart of Lorenzo Artico, born June 6, 1967 at 12:30 pm in Milan, Italy. Click on the chart to enlarge. He was a teacher, so see both the TNP and asteroid, Poseidon. The TNP is Rx in 17 Libra and the asteroid in 17 Leo. They make a “dial triangle” with...

Cancer and Vitamin B12

Click on the image to enlarge. As you consider the points for this chart, know that all factors shown are radix. And this is the chart of a woman who died of SCLC: Small Cell Lung Cancer. First note the Aries Axis that includes the Ascendant. The chart presents the...

Jessica Alba: Asthma

Here you see the chart of Jessica Alba, b. April 28, 1981, 01:51 pm in Palatka, Florida. Click on the chart to enlarge. As well as having asthma, she has had several serious bouts with pneumonia. As usual, we feature the axis of the personal points. Let’s start with...