As usual these days, the MSM says there’s no such thing, but plenty of doctors are seeing it and I’ve had two cases of what they’re calling “Turbo Cancer.” And what this means is that there’s an aggressive, rapid-onset, resistant to treatment cancer, often in young healthy folks following Covid-19 vaccination.

Cases often present in an advanced stage, sometimes with metastasis, and quickly turn fatal. One doctor, Ryan Cole, described it as “Turbo Cancer wasn’t there and all of a sudden, it’s everywhere.” These cancers don’t respond to the usual treatments because cells in the bone marrow have been affected and aren’t reacting as they’re supposed to.

Note that swollen lymph nodes is a common side effect of the Covid vaccines.

Okay, so now that you have a sense of it, let me tell you that one instance that I have is of a woman in her 50s who is diagnosed with uterine cancer in early August 2023. Three weeks later, she dies and the cancer is also seen in her kidneys and lungs. A factor for metastasis, Chang, is natally in the axis with her Ascendant and a point for uterine cancer, with her Orpheus, her Moon, and the mNRA vaccine point, Weissman. Also in this axis are Malpighi and Admete.

Another is of a man who is diagnosed with stomach cancer and five weeks later, he dies. This is especially strange as stomach cancer usually allows an extended life span. Typically, it’s a slow progressing cancer.

So are you seeing such things in your practice? Let me make some suggestions. Check the vaccine points, such as Mather, Cohen, Graham, Francis and Bernhard if in aspect to the particular cancer of the primary diagnosis. For the mRNA vaccines so common for COVID, check the asteroid, Weissman #3197. What about the virus factors? See Ivanovsky #18814 and Stanley #9626. And, re a stomach cancer, you’d be looking at the axis of Brown, Warren, Marshall and Friedman.

Look also at how the lymph nodes and lymphatic system have been affected, using points such as Rufus and Monroe. There are other points including Neptune and the Nodes.

You read of the vaccines being associated with blood clots and cardiac issues. In the two example charts I have, vaccine factors were in aspect to those points associated with blood clotting and viscosity: Harvey and Malpighi. See the reference above. Blood clots can also be represented in a chart when a Zeus, TNP or asteroid, carries an aspect from Admetus, Admete or Admetos.

You may want to check what Nemesis has to say about Cause and, as always, check Hades! With the Suddeness, you want to look at Uranus and Pandora too. As always, you check their charts for eclipse impact.

Since these examples have been so startling, I also entered asteroids Fast, Icarus and Icarion on the charts along with the various “death” factors: Orpheus, Morden and Osiris.

I am still studying the charts with radix, solar arc and death tri-dials, but...oh! And I thought if you were hearing of similar things, you needed to know that, yeah, it’s happening!
PS for particular types of cancer and more points for the lymphatic system, see the Medical section of Research Access on this site.