Where you might be checking charts for the attempts on former President Donald Trump, here are a few things to consider:

  •  The asteroid, Tantalus, can indicate the idea of “almost”— something that almost happens.  The idea of Assassination can be represented by the asteroid Booth #13825.  On July 13th, when Trump was shot in Butler, Pa., the asteroid Booth was in 11 Gemini 11.  Trump’s radix Tantalus is in 10 Gemini,
  • This recent attempt occurs with transiting Booth in 29 Gemini 55. As you know, that places it with Neptune at The Aries Point and in the axis of Trump’s Toro/,Rs/Saturn (on a dial.). Transiting Poseidon in 15 Scorpio is relevant.
  • As well as examining Solar Arc directions, also consider the impact of “death” factors such as Orpheus, Osiris, Morden, Phoinix and Nepththys—especially checking if they are retrograde natally or when these events occurred.
  • Where there are specific points for certain types of guns, in general we use both the TNP and the asteroid, Zeus, for them.  See then Trump’s radix asteroid Zeus in 29 Aquarius 04 octile his radix retrograde Orpheus in 14 Capricorn.  His Sun is in this axis.
  • This 25 Pisces eclipse on September 18th has his radix Pluto, 10 Leo, in its axis as is his radix retrograde Jupiter.

I’m sure you’ll find much more (including the conjunction now of transiting Pluto and the asteroid Zeus in 29 Cp) aspecting transiting Mars, Saturn and more in that axis.

Let’s hope there is no more of this!  Maybe we should also examine the asteroid, America, and the US chart.