Ancient people thought of eclipses as frightening because they thought it
meant that a dragon was eating the sun. They then would bang on drums,
shout and do all they could to make noise to try to scare the dragon away.
While we know there's no such dragon, eclipses still carry importance and
this Lunar Eclipse on August 7th is likely to be a big deal.

First of all, the eclipse is in 15 Aquarius. For Uranian astrologers, that
puts it "in the Aries Axis." This Aries Axis includes points in 00* of the
Cardinal signs, 15* of the Fixed Signs (to pick up the 45 and 135 degree
aspects from 00 Cardinal) and then the two midpoints or quarters of the
primary axis. That means 22:30 of the Cardinal signs and 07:30 of the
Mutable signs.

While you want to see how the eclipse chart is affecting your chart (radix
and directed,) we know that the eclipse chart itself shows us much of its
Agenda-- and how it will go about pushing us to change and show the person
we've become.

It's my thought that Eclipse charts begin to show their hand when the
transit Sun makes its applying square to the eclipse degree. This means
that when the Sun crossed 15 Taurus, the eclipse issues began to be more
obvious. So in early May, if your chart will be feeling the eclipse, you
should have had some signs. Events near the lunations between now and the
eclipse can also hold event clues. Transits to the eclipse axis can also
activate it.

The Aries Axis:
For astrologers who use the dial, the Aries Point is a big deal. It
signifes public events, events that happen "on the street" and to members of
the public. (So even if you don't know them, you "feel" and react to what;s
going on in their lives.) Since the Aries Point signifies "The World," in
the personal chart, aspects to it are like an Ascendant to the World-- in
other words, it's how you cope with the larger environment; it what makes
you different than "the average guy."

In 29 Virgo 15 in the eclipse chart, the asteroid, Bacchus, will be making
strong statements. For one thing, there will be more concern about the
opiate crisis in America. And some of the midpoints to the Aries Axis will
expand on that theme (ie., Pluto/Neptune = Aries = Bacchus.)

But it's a good time to remember that Bacchus (and Dionysus) isn't only
about drug or alcohol use. It's about Addiction and The Addictive
Personality. And the eclipse will showcase this.
* Addiction implies Denial-- often denial of one's emotional truth and
state. There can be denial of even major problems-- the Elephant in the
* There is emotional immaturity in the addiction issue.
* There is strong egocentricity, often accompanied by falsely humble claims.
Superiority mixes with Inferiority.
* You can hear of addiction expressing as The Little King syndrome or The
King Baby Syndrome. This speaks to the belief that the world revolves
around the addict. They "cry" (or complain, or misbehave) and others rush
to comfort them. They are still "Banging on their High Chair" when things
don't go their way.

Even if you don't drink or smoke, what are your addictions? (Ad-dict:
towards control.) What do you do to reach for control when something
happens? Do you do the chart? (Bacchus-Urania.) Do you Think instead of
Feel (Bacchus-Mercury or Bacchus-Urania)? Do you pretend it didn't happen?
(Bacchus-Neptune.) Do you over-react so that your reaction still isn't
"true"? (Bacchus-Ophelia) Do you get really angry so that your volatility
is a mask for other feelings and also serves to get others to dance to your
tune? (Bacchus-Zeus.)

How is the eclipse asking you to face your Bacchus?