As we head into July, there is a long alignment surrounding mid-Cancer
(which means it opposes Pluto!!!) Let me mention some of how this will
manifest (especially if these degrees are important in your chart:)
1.Starting with the Hades-Libitina, we have to figure that mistakes can have
dire or difficult consequences. This is true for other manifestations of
Hades (such as secrets or a person's past.) Now, Libitina can show up
(hopefully on television) as "a corpse or funeral." Add Hades and this can
be the result of a crime. Think of Hades too as "decline"-- and, again, the
Libitina indicates that there are difficult results and those involve a
decline. Hades can be disease or depression; Libitina still speaks of a
dire outlook or unpleasant responsibilities.

2. From the Hades-Hephaistos, you may see congenital conditions that affect
the limbs; you may also see that disease-deterioration side of Hades
affecting the limbs and causing limping. At another time, the idea that a
relationship has mismatched partners due to social class could come to your

3. Next we have Kronos, so you can be aware of (Hades) lousy things or crime
in (Kronos) high places or among government officials or celebrities. In
fact, the month may feature a person who is (Kronos) famous BECAUSE of their
(Hades) criminal history. Also expect that officials, fathers or famous
folks have (Hades) secrets or are dealing with difficulties or decline.

4. Toss Hera into this ring and... you're seeing that partners and others
can (using the other energies we've been discussing,) be depressed, dealing
with disease, having very negative thoughts about the future, or contending
with laws, regulations, or reflections on their competence. You may be
aware of relationships that are "unlikely" because of differences in social
class or because of one partner's "history."

5. The media may present images of (Kronos) a government official dealing
with (Libitina) a very difficult result or consequence... and some of this
may have to do with (Hera) accounting, finances or (\Pluto) investments or

6. Next we come to Mercury. And a Mercury-Hades can bring discussion of the
past or of a crime. It can cause the media to investigate (into some
financial or partnership matter-- especially since, in parans opposition, we
have the Kalypso-Pluto which can mean that someone attempted to hide some
investment or financial matter.)

7. A Mercury-Libitina can show us just as someone reaping consequences for
something they said. Add Hades and... did they make a mistake? Did they
mispeak? Did they get their facts wrong? Did the Hades-Hera cause them to
demean another when they spoke?

8. The Mercury-Kronos can bring "the words of a famous person or government
official" to your attention. It can cause you to realize that when people
speak, what they say is their OPINION. (And, given the presence of Hades,
they can be wrong!!!) You might also note how a person's thinking or
talking really shows their competence or expertise (or not!)

9. Moving ahead to the Proserpina, you can be aware of (Hera) relationships
where a person feels Alone.

10. The presence of the asteroid, Virchow, allows us to add the idea of
"pathology" to its compatriots. With Hades, that pathology might come in
the form of disease, but, at another time, it can show up as a criminal
pathology like psychopathology. We could take the Mercury-Virchow to expect
to hear about a pathology that affects the lungs or nerves.

11. The asteroid, Vulcano, is part of this lengthy alignment. It's like the
transneptunian, Vulcanus. It adds power and pressure as well as the sense
that one "has to" do what accompanying factors present. So you can see
(Kronos) leaders who are (Vulcanus) under a lot of pressure. You can hear of
people who "have to" take care of (Hades) a mess. You can hear of people
contending with (Hera) financial pressures and see that someone "has to"
respond to (Mercury) paperwork, phone calls or dealings with siblings or the

12. Next we have Venus. Venus-Hades: Love of antiquity or the classics;
relationships with underlings or employees; relationships across social
class lines; financial decline; investigation into financial matters.
Venus-Libitina: concern about financial consequences; to have dire
expectations re relationship or $$$ matters. Venus-Hephaistos: Even though
two people aren't well matched, there can still be love between them.
Venus-Kronos: Interest in the finances or salaries of officials or
celebrities; attention to the IRS; love of father or compliments to bosses,
experts or well-known folks. Venus-Virchow: You could hear of kidney
disease or pathologies that affect the veins. Like with the Hera-Virchow,
you can hear of pathologies that express in relationships.

13. Next we have the asteroid, House. Of course, a Venus-House is "a
beautiful house" or a beautiful location. At another time, there can be
mention of the price of a home or the ritziness of a location. A
Hades-House can be "a primitive house" (and this includes log cabins but the
symbols together can point to a ghetto or location that has deteriorated.)
Leave room for the Hades-House to manifest as locations from antiquity and
historical buildings. Of course, a Hades-House can be a messy or dirty
house and can refer to basements. This is odd (when does that stop me?) but
the Hephaistos-House can indicate events in a metal building; add Kronos and
it calls attention to a metal roof!

14. A Kronos-House can be "a home in the mountains," but it can also show up
in an event as a description of a "high home"-- such as in higher floor of
an apartment building. The Kronos-House also calls attention to laws and
legal matters that involve a home.

15. The asteroid, Anubis, is in late Cancer and it can pull coyotes, wolves
or black-faced or black dogs into events. So Anubis with Hades can show up
as a mess made by a black-faced dog. It can also predict a disease state or
decline of a dog. A Kronos-Anubis can have you notice the shepherd breeds
used by the police. It can also remind you of laws that address pet dogs or
that protect wolves. A Venus-Anubis can come into your life in the form of
a beautiful dog!

It would be overwhelming here to go through all the potential presented by
having Pluto (now in @ 16 Capricorn) carry the parans oppositions of all
those factors in Cancer. And both Kalypso (matters that are hidden or
concealed) and Niobe (reactions based on hurt pride or sorrow through
children) attend Pluto. I'll leave it to you to expand on things like
(Hades\Kalypso: people try to hide their mistakes or criminal actions) and
Niobe = Hades-Mercury: When people have their egos bruised and their pride
wounded, they can say things to demean others.
We sure live--as per the Chinese curse-- in "interesting times"!

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