To follow is a copy of a site newsletter that was sent today. If you haven't subscibed, do so right away so you don't miss the next one!
The Solar Eclipse is (finally) nearly upon us! If your chart is in its path
(20 Virgo 10 and then its axis: 20 Mutable, 05 Fixed, 27 Fixed and 12
Cardinal) you've known it for a while--at least the last few months. Radix
and directed factors (angles, planets, asteroids and TNPs) close to those
degrees have been under pressure. Their usual way of doing things hasn't
been working so well. If it's Mercury, your thinking, self-talk, and way of
communicating with others has been running into trouble; if it's Venus, your
relationships and handling of $$$ have been on a rocky road. Whatever radix
or directed energy is close to the eclipse path hasn't been having an easy
time of it.
An eclipse has "an Agenda;" it wants to force change; it tries to tell you
(sometimes not so gently) that "the way you've always done THAT (with
whatever points are getting smacked by the eclipse) is no longer the go-to
option. It's time for a change." And that change requires that you first
lose some security blankets and habits. If that weren't scary enough, you
have to come to realize that your old self doesn't meet the expectations of
the self you are becoming. So you have to drop the old self before the new
self is fully in command. This can feel really sad-- and you might not even
know why. You've lost a long familiar sense of self. There's a new Self in
the wings, but until it's in charge, you can have days that feel like you're
living in a vacuum or balancing on a tightrope. You can feel empty; life
can feel without purpose. Some hours, some days, you "get it;" you kinda'
understand what the eclipse is "telling" you. The fog lifts; you're on a
path (at last.) Then the next day, you can feel lost again. This is how it
goes when an eclipse is really pushing your chart. The key is to remember
that it's a process that is demanding a lot from you. You need to go easy
on your dear self. You're doing the best you can. There can be other
losses; you can ruefully acknowledge that this is AFGO: another freaking
growth opportunity. Just be tender and patient with yourself.
This process also holds true for the Lunar Eclipse.
Aside from how it's swacking into your chart factors, an eclipse has its own
chart. You will see some of that chart in your life-- but in public events
as well. I thought we could talk about a few of those. This list is by no
means complete and, instead of a quiz this time, I will offer brief
delineations of some of the midpoints to the eclipse--and then you'll have
the opportunity to add much more detail.
1. With Isis in 19 Virgo 52, we expect for some people that sibling
relationships (and the lasting impact they've had) are an issue. For
others, it's time to look at compartmentalization defenses-- especially
since Psyche is in 19 Gemini. This suggests that some are dealing with
emotionally damaging scenes and experiences with siblings; it also suggests
that some people handle emotional scars by (Isis:) keeping them separated
into pieces. They never "put it all together;" they see only part of a
scene or experience-- and, that way, they never really got/get how damaging
it was. It's interesting to have the retrograde Chiron in 19 Pisces 10.
Take the Psyche-Chiron-Isis and imagine someone saying: "That really wasn't
traumatic because it was my brother--and you make an exception for
that...(don't you?)"
2. A retrograde Amor is part of the eclipse too in 21 Pisces. And it's
carrying lessons about boundaries and acceptance. Its retrograde condition
is asking you to look back at the things you've accepted--and to think about
whether that's still okay with you. Let's face it, Amor in Pisces is kind
of a joke. What boundaries does a Pisces have???
3. And yeah, you see the Amor-Chiron and you hear yourself saying: "Well,
there was a special situation so there were reasons at the time that I
didn't have good boundaries"... It's time to rethink that canard!
4. We could include Hephaistos in 21 Gemini, and that speaks to the idea
that there were differences in values or loyalties (and the eclipse wants
you to recognize that.) These differences in relationship then pulled in
the boundary issues, the sibling residue, the exceptions made because a
person was damaged.... Now you see it all so much more clearly!
Were you a "dial person" (which I hope some day you will be if you're not
now,) you would be comfortable with the idea that points "in the dial axis"
are delineated as a straightforward part of the eclipse. This includes
points AND MIDPOINTS in or to those degrees. For example, the asteroid,
Pandora, in 04 Leo 55 is within orb of the eclipse's dial axis. So then we
add Pandora to how the eclipse can manifest. This means there can be
unexpected events, unforeseen consequences and crises. Since we have the
asteroid Harvey in 04 Scorpio 45 and Hekate, Rx in 04 Aq 49, some of this
Pandora can come through events that involve the heart, sex, or the
reproductive system. The retrograde Hekate says "not exactly at night" or
"an important dream" or "not really protected." But take the Pandora =
Psyche as part of what makes this eclipse so (cough-sputter:) interesting.
This is saying something like: "I was caught off-guard by how damaged that
person was and/or by what they were prompted to do because of that emotional
In addition to delineating factors in the eclipse axis (ie., the asteroid
Poseidon is retrograde in 12 Cp 44 so it is in the eclipse axis and would be
delineated as part of the eclipse's Agenda. That means that, for some, it's
about schooling; for others, it's attention to the media; for others,
there's to be more attention to their religion or beliefs. Then, nudge
Poseidon into other eclipse characters: Psyche, Amor, Rx... and think about
whether it was religion that made a person "accept" more than they should
have... and was it Belief that colored the perception of emotional damage?)
Also part of the dial axis is the Atropos, Rx/Admetus, Rx midpoint. This
suggests that things aren't really over and "the ending" is dragged out over
time and some of it is in the hands of another (so someone has to grit their
teeth, clench their fists and just bear it.)
Some of the midpoints to the eclipse axis include (and please add to these
20 Sa 18 Neptune, Rx/Panacea: When you go to a deception in the past or an
abuse of trust in the past, that needs to be corrected; you can't "fix"
something with trying to maintain a lie.
20 Sa 01 Pluto, Rx/Bacchus: You see examples of how a person can disguise
their strong need for control; you might be aware of how an addiction or
denial is running a person's life.
19 Vi 45 Saturn/Kronos: There are evaluations of the competency of a father
or person in government; attention to an older expert or official; an
official is held accountable with attention to what a person in office is
responsible for; there are hardships for police or government figures.
20 Vi 53 Sphinx, Rx/Circe, Rx: There are many questions about how to,
whether to and if it's a good idea to offer help or rescue.
05 Sc 32 Cupido/Eros: While there can be references to a family history in
terms of heart conditions, there can also be awareness of the family imprint
re sexual experience; there can also be more awareness of how sexually
interesting or satisfying a relationship is. (Since Cupido can be "a
house," there is some possibility here for reports re brothels!)
05 Leo 35 Venus/Ophelia: There can be self-defeating actions re $$$ and
04 Leo 34 Uranus, Rx/Melpomene: A tragedy is suggested here in connection
with social change, computer history, or for a friend. (What else do you
05 Le 33 Lilith/Persephone, Rx: Some of the drama here is that decisions
thrust one into a situation where they're alone-- or, at least, in "new
territory" and have to find their way. For others: there is triangulation,
rejection or infidelity that ultimately means that they're either alone or
pushed into a situation where they feel like the new kid on the block.
05 Leo 13 Asclepius/Sphinx, Rx: There are questions about the health or
treatment; there are Unknowns about the medical condition.
05 Leo 10 Zeus/Libitina: One sees corpses from war; there are difficult
consequences from military action, from shootings or from fires. When a
person is volatile, another expects dire things to follow.
05 Leo 32 Astraea/Grieve: There are sights that one won't easily get over;
you know someone hasn't recovered from something because they continue to
05 Leo 54 Nemesis/Psyche: There is interest in assigning blame for a
person's psychological problems. In a way, you might say that a person's
"undoing" is the legacy of childhood emotional damage they carry.
05 Sc 56 Mercury/Atlantis: In both the conversation in their head and what
they say to others, a person is too negative; they expect bad things to
happen; they convey ongoing dread. There can be examples of invasion of
privacy as someone reads documents or emails and that someone is not the
person they were sent to!!!
Of course, there are lots of other midpoints we might use and we could
include other points in the eclipse axis (such as Aesculapia and Hygiea) but
I wanted to remind you that none of the midpoints exist in a vacuum. With a
little practice, you can combine and delineate midpoints into very
sophisticated scenarios. In other words, you could take any two midpoints
and blend them into an "order" or more complex statement. For instance,
we've said that Nemesis/Psyche = the eclipse and so does Saturn/Kronos.
Those themes could be stated as: Kronos\Saturn - Nemesis = Psyche. And one
of the delineations for that would be: The father's rules, discipline and
expectations were the source of much damage. What do you make of some other
"orders" such as Eros\Cupido - Nemesis = Psyche? And how 'bout Sphinx,
Rx\Circe, Rx - Panacea = Neptune, Rx?
This is too long. I hope the eclipse gods are treating you kindly!