In 24 Sag mid-June, it's possible for the transneptunian, Cupido, to have a lot of complex modifiers (from factors in parans opposition,) so let's talk about a few of those:
- First of all, Cupido can represent your partner, family members, issues that deal with family traditions or genetics. Mid-June, it's joined to the medical asteroid, Asclepius. This indicates that there can be medical problems for a partner and/or family member. It may also suggest that there are medical conditions that are genetic in origin. If late-Sag is a return chart angle for you, include your radix points that are implicated in the Cupido-Asclepius for ideas about the kinds of medical issues that are currently relevant.
- Then-whoa baby! There is an enormous alignment in parans opposition, so let's cover some of that. With Ophelia angular in Gemini, we are expecting to hear of family or partner issues with autoimmune illnesses. Mind you, the presence of Ophelia can also tell us that partners or family members are reacting "inappropriately" to illness. And that means that they can be "over the moon" or "pretending it's no big deal."
- We take the parans opposition (herein stated as a back slash) of Arachne to suggest that there are medical complications.
- With \Eros, there can be medical issues that involve the heart or the reproductive system. I also want to mention that an Eros\Asclepius can also address the idea of how an illness or medical condition can impact "the joy" one needs to find in life.
- The \Pandora alludes to the idea that there can be medical issues that either come as a surprise or that have unexpected elements. It's as though the response to symptoms or a diagnosis or treatment is: "Geeze, I didn't know THAT was gonna' happen." Too, there can be crises of a medical nature.
- When you see Minerva or Pallas\a medical asteroid, one of the issues is whether a person is doing the stuff they need to do to ameliorate the symptoms or problem. Think too of the fact that there is a Cupido\Minerva here: are people doing things to please or gain the approval of a partner or family member?
- Things get a trifle sticky when we take the Cupido-Asclepius\Hades:
- A Cupido\Hades can manifest as "a dirty house;" it can show up as an old or primitive dwelling. Someone might mention vermin or bugs infesting a house. Maybe you see a cabin or a rundown building. Maybe you hear stuff about "the history of a family" or think about genealogy. On another day, maybe you're aware of problems that afflict a family. At yet another time, there can be congenital problems in a family or a family or partner who is/are dealing with long term problems or illness.
- Just so: when we evaluate an Asclepius\Hades, we have ailments that may be chronic, that result from toxins or bacteria, that are a source of embarrassment, or that affect the bowels. (And, again, with Cupido in attendance, these can come from the partner or a family member.)
- Finally, in the chart I'm using for these remarks, we also have the angular and parans Kronos. Let's start with the Kronos\Asclepius. On one level, this is a physician-- likely a specialist. But it can also manifest as concern with government regulations and medical care (Obamacare; medical insurance.) Since Kronos can also manifest as the father or head of household, there can be worries about the father's health or medical condition.
- Kronos can also show up through laws and legalities. So the Kronos\Asclepius might cross your mind as a legal case where medical matters or conditions are relevant. Mind you, Kronos is also "opinions;" so the parans with Asclepius can show up as mention of "opinions" related to a diagnosis or prognosis.
- And a Kronos\Cupido can pop up (no pun intended) as awareness of "the influence of a father on the family." There may also be legal issues re property, real estate, or family status.
- Then, of course, we have to address that long alignment in late Gemini without reference to the parans to Cupido and Asclepius. Factors in that alignment will team up with each other to produce events (through the angle at which they appear in your current solar or lunar return.) For example:
- The Eros-Hades can manifest as diseases or deterioration of the heart or reproductive organs. On another day, it can show up as "dirty" sex (= Cupido: within a family...such as we are seeing now with the Duggar family. Did I spell that correctly?) Hades can manifest as "crime;" add the Eros and you have "sex crimes"...and the news has no shortage of that! Remember that, some of the time, you are dealing with a picture of Eros-Hades = Asclepius: and that's "deterioration of the heart or reproductive system that is medical in nature."
- There will be times when you see Mars-Eros-Hades manifestations... and that can again be "a young man whose sexual intentions or actions are criminal, disgusting, or hidden."
- We continue to have the Hades-Kronos where, if we take Kronos as Leaders or Government Officials, the Hades warns us that there is incompetence, secrecy, criminal leanings, and failure there. (Consider the recent exposure of corruption in FIFA. Did you read about that?)
- Let me note that in early Sag we have the asteroid, Kron, with the asteroid, Toro. Among the kinds of things this combination can bring up are events with famous "tough guys" (such as fighters, football players, and macho men.) There can be legal cases that feature such characters. There can also be awareness of how (Kron) fame attends the idea of being (Toro) tough and a high-testosterone type.
I always encourage you to set up your lunar returns (with the return chart angles and those factors, radix and return, that are within 10 degrees, either side, of the return chart angles) because it's an incredible way to learn the parameters of how the asteroids will manifest in combination with planets and transneptunians. These charts are probably more observant than you are! They will pick up on things that cross your mind from the news, conversations, passing thoughts, overheard conversations-- and, of course, events and concerns that are front and center.