Here are some asteroids you may find useful in this time of political mayhem as elections approach.  Do check them out for the last presidential election on November 3, 2020 too.  Most of the meanings are obvious but I’ll list brief delineation ideas where they aren’t.

Buysballot, 10961, Election irregularities, role of $ in politics

Chaos, 19521

Delbruck, 15264, Liar

Hermes, 69230, to steal

Jackson, 2193, Democrat

Jacobson, 5636, Con man, scammer

Jefferson, 30928, Republican

Kalypso, 53, concealed

Kron, 2796, as the TNP, Kronos, officials, celebrities, laws, legalities

Laverna, 2103, to steal

Lincoln, 3153, Republican

Loke, 4862, Deception

Lie, 26955

MacGregor, 20874, Scam artist, con man, conned ideas

Nessus, 7066, Deception

Poseidon, 4341, as the TNP: the media, ideas, schools, beliefs

Sly, 57509, clever

Swindle, 8690, to defraud or cheat

Tantalus, 2102, testing what is known, what “almost” happens

Thompson, 25166, con man, scammer, to trick or deceive

Wiles, 9999, skills to trick, lure or beguile

Of course you will stare at planets Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, and, as always, the TNP, Hades.  As always, check the pattern to the Aries Point for public impact and awareness.

Let me know what you find!