
Generally, the manifestation of the configurations discussed here will be stronger if the factors (planets, TNPs and asteroids) are "angular" (within 10 degrees--either side--of a return chart angle.)

Key:  a \ indicates a parans oppositon: that means an apparent or angular opposition.  A dash or x refers to an angular conjunction.

  • A late Scorpio angle features the asteroid, Kron with Child, Asclepius, Toro and Saturn.  The events you notice then can involve such things as: awareness of medical specialists; attention to childhood ailments or a sick child; the medical issues of famous people; the involvment of government in health care; the medical problems faced by the elderly or that involve bones, teeth, tendons or pain, and medical conditions that affect the musculature.
  • Given the Kron x Toro, famous or well-known athletes can also grab your attention, but since Kron stands for legalities, police and the government, you may consider things such as "police brutality," how well a government or leader expresses his or her "toughness," and threats against the police or a government.
  • With Hopi in parans opposition to the Kron-Toro, you will also give attention to the idea of police brutality and threats to the police in connection with minority populations.  Since Hopi introduces the concern about prejudice, there can be concern about how prejudice (or racism) affects the police or a government.
  • A Kron\Hopi also describes a leader or well-known person who is a minority; thus, President Obama, Al Sharpton, Kanye West, Dr. Ben Carson, Jason Riley, or a black football player could all be persons who are featured in the news or in your recurrent thought processes now.
  • Hopi is also about knives and the definition of territory, so you may hear of governments squabbling about territorial boundaries or about attacks that involve knives or other cutting instruments (such as machetes or axes.)
  • Also in parans opposition to Kron is the TNP, Admetus.  One Kron\Admetus manifests as people who are famous in connection with cold. Add Toro and you have athletes such as skiers and hockey players!
  • Another way a Kron\Admetus shows up in life is the groaning about government gridlock and the patience it takes to achieve expertise.  Admetus presents obstacles and delays and dependence on others; it can mess with timing cuz blockages keep appearing.  Feel free to scream.  In the chart I'm using for this, the Admetus occurs at the Descendant-- which means that other people will be causing some of the blocks, but also that others will be dealing with the delays.
  • Another parans opposition occurs as Kron\Minerva.  Part of how this manifests is that there are tensions associated with trying to please an expert.  On a national level, this might show up as whether people are willing to appease the police or an official.  On a personal level, it shows up as whether a person was able to get the approval or a father or boss.
  • A mid-Virgo angle picks up a retrograde Aesculapia-Panacea and this is apt to bring up issues with medical conditions that really don't get cured or where a cure or treatment has been ineffective.  Given other angulars here, there can be references to cancers, tumors, heart conditions-- and, again, the Rx Panacea suggests that these things are in the past and/or are conditions that a person "lives with" rather than are they "cured."
  • The combination of Aesculapia with the asteroid, Apollonia, will cause you to pay attention to the business side of medicine, and to recognize that some people are dealing with more than one disease or health challenge.
  • Within range, you would find the asteroid, Valentine, also retrograde.  Given the Aesculapia, this is likely to bring people with cardiac problems to your attention. You may also be aware of how a medical condition affects a person's sex life.  There can be some interest in hormones as a factor in physical health.
  • Parans factors here include: Mars, Neptune, Urania, Orpheus, Psyche and others.  Among the manifestations are: medical conditions that cause physical weakness and a low energy level; awareness of how an illness can impact a person's life perspective; whether astrology addresses both psychological issues and death; whether some things are known astrologically or psychically; and seeing how emotional scars are a basis for empathy.  Also though, you will see that childhood emotional "trauma" can cause a person to be combative, deal with depression, and be given to various forms of personal chaos.
  • Whenever Orpheus shows up on an angle, the tendency is to panic.  It does represent death but most of the time, it's a loss of life featured in the news.  Orpheus is also sadness and music.  So here, where we see Orpheus with Psyche, yes, you may hear of (\Handley) people who die of brain cancer and of cancers that are terminal.  But also expect to be reminded of how emotionally soothing music can be.
  • With the asteroid, Libitina, in this alignment, the mind set of dire consequences settles on other factors.  Thus: if we grab the Aesculapia at the opposite angle, now we're saying that there are negative expectations of a medical problem.