The weather has been so crazy, I thought you might like to mess around with some of these asteroids and points:
For snow:
The Neptune/Admetus midpoint...or aspects one to the other
Keep in mind that there are the asteroids Admete and Admetos to use with Neptune for the cold or frozen water idea.
The asteroid Frostia #854 also for snow
There is an asteroid Storm #12182
And for wind:
Strong or damaging winds: Mistral #5033
Aeolia #396
Boreas #1916
Zephyr #12923
For flooding:
Flood #4220
But also consider Atlantis, Neptune and Poseidon
For Fires:
The asteroid and Transneptunian Zeus
Ash #21485
Burns #2708
Smolders #10983
The Mars/Pluto midpoint, aspect or angular appearance can also occur when there are weather patterns that affect a lot of people.
We often see a prominent Melpomene #18 when there are tragic circumstances.
Stay warm and safe!