The use of a 90* dial includes consideration of a factor's "axis." And what
this means is that we include a pattern in the delineation of a point.
On a dial, this would take factors (planets, TNPs and asteroids) that are
opposite on the dial, and they would be in an octile or sesquiquadrate
relationship. This is simple to see on a dial because such points are
exactly opposite on the dial. To see this, you add or subtract (whichever
is easier) 15* to your starting point. For example, if you start from the
Transneptunian, Hades, which is in 10 Cancer today (June 26, 2021) is makes
more sense to add 15* (and stare across the dial) so you are looking at 25
degrees of Fixed signs. There you will find your 45s and 135s.
The "axis" or pattern of a point will also include the "Quadratures." This
means that you are including 1/4th of the dial or 22 degrees and 30 minutes.
And, of course, there is a "quadrature" on each side of the point under
consideration. If we start at the 10 Cardinal degree of Hades and we add
22:30*, we are in the 02:40* area of Fixed signs. The other quadrature will
be at the dial opposition of that. So you can either subract the 22:30 from
your (here, Hades) starting point OR...the easier thing to do is just to
take the dial opposition from your first quadrature--and we arrive at that
by just adding or subtracting (whichever math is easier) 15* to the first
quadrature and staring directly across the dial.
Alright, so we found that the first quadrature was in 02:40* of the Fixed
area of the dial. It's easy enough to add 15* and stare at the opposite
point on the dial--and that takes you to the 17-18* area of Mutable signs.
Then we would recognize that "the axis" or pattern of Hades would, in
delineation, include points around it in 10 Cardinal, those in 25 Fixed, 02
Fixed and 17 Mutable. You will have to experiment with this "axis" pattern
in your own chart on a dial to see how it includes important information to
the way each of those points affects their manifestation.
All of this was a prelude to explain why your current delineations of Hades
can and must include Apollon. As we say that there is a Hades impact on
Apollon, begin by thinking of Apollon as commerce, business, travel and
SCIENCE! Now summon the influence of Hades: research, difficulty,
deterioration, mistakes, undermining, defects, criminality or problems.
Okay!!! How has the Pandemic affected those Apollon things? Are we
realizing defects re reports on science? I'm sure I'm not the only one who
is seeing that "Business" and Customer Service have taken a serious nose
dive of late. That's Hades-Apollon. I'm sure you can think of more
examples. Apollon is also "Higher Education." Haven't you seen lots of
negative issues about that in the past year or so? Apollon can represent a
kind of Perspective--as though one sees things from "a wide view." Let
Hades impact that! Aren't we seeing such a (Hades) hateful and primitive
affect on how people view things? If this is affecting your chart, your
view of the future--your Perspective--may be overly affected now by negative
expectations and/or current difficulties.
SALE: As you no doubt noticed, this Solar Eclipse on June 10th in 19 Gemini
also included a retrograde Mercury (oh boy, did it ever, right???!!!)
Another reprint of my book, "The Orders of Light"-- that, among other things
features an emphasis on the TNPS such as Hades and Apollon but also has 145
pages of asteroid aspects-- was in process. The Rx Mercury caused a slight
smeary affect on the covers of a number of books. Everything else about the
books is fine, it's just this hardly noticeable cloudiness on the cover.
Due to that, I am offering books at a reduced rate. While the book normally
sells for $35.00 (+ S & H,) while supplies last, such copies of "The Orders
of Light" can be purchased for $20.00! Within the United States, the Media
Mail cost to send the book will be an additional $4.00. If you'd want your
copy sent my Priority Mail, please include the USPS S & H of $8.00. These
amounts can be taken care of via PayPal or a check-- let me know if you need
my mailing address.
Hope you're doin' okay--
martha lang-wescott