One of the usual methods to assess the impact of the Capricorn Ingress is to note midpoints and then see how they are impacting your chart.  As usual, your interest picks up on those midpoints to your Personal Points (angles, luminaries, Aries axis) but you probably want to examine others as well.  Of course I don’t have the room and patience here to list lots of them—especially with adding asteroids, but I thought I could mention a few and maybe that would entice you to check more.  If you want a copy of the Ingress chart with 80 asteroids, email me to order it.  As I note a few midpoints here, the delineations will be very brief so where there are some of interest, you’ll need to expand the interpretations.

Hades/Aesculapia: 12 Ge 09:  There can be depression or difficulty with the health; medical issues can be due to bacteria, molds, and past medical problems.

Aesculapia/Zeus 02 Leo 41: While it’s possible that this would refer to burns, the more likely manifestation concerns the role of anxiety and inflammation as they affect the health.

Blok/Kronos. 17 Leo 44: Blok refers to dementias, so this brings up that concern re fathers, celebrities, authorities and/or government personnel

Atlantis/Kronos 06 Vi 32:  Here there is revelations about the personal lives of government officials, elites, movie stars and the like.  Kronos can indicate that a legal matter has exposed personal facts.  And yeah sure, this could relate to a famous swimmer!  🙂

Lie/Kronos. 16 Virgo 01:  While this will show up as deceptions BY famous folks, it will also be there for lies ABOUT officials, fathers and celebrities.

Mercury/Hades:  26 Virgo 19: Talk, discussion or facts about the past; incidents that involve diseases of the lungs or nerves; times when there is some focus on problems with cars or telephones.

Eros/Virchow. 07 Libra 55: Reports on abnormalities or pathologies that affect the heart, sexuality or reproductive system.

Atlantis/Erigone 09 Libra 16:  There will be events where some personal revelations will convey the wrong impression (of people or events.). There may be suicides that involve water or that result from having personal details become public.

Malpighi/Podalarius. 13 Libra 52: Medical issues can involve the lungs, connective tissue, the potential for blood clots or word of lymphoma.

Hippokrates/Astraea. 29 Libra 14. This suggests that a medical concern is either slow to resolve or just doesn’t seem to resolve at all, It may mean that the eyes or vision are of medical worry.

Hades/Psyche. 06 Scorpio 05:  While this can relate to how past incidents have affected the mind or psychological status, the Hades may be suggesting that there is ongoing depression or some deterioration in the emotional state.

Kalypso/Erigone. 14 Scorpio 37:  Because certain information is concealed or just not available, folks do things that are counterproductive; too, this can mean that the Unknown data is causing a kind of deception that gives one the wrong conception of a person or situation.

Erigone/Hopi. 16 Scorpio 05: True, this could manifest as suicides related to reactions to racism, but watch also for incidents where the perception or claim of Racism is rooted in a mistaken impression,

Lie/Poseidon. 16 Scorpio 33:  Darn, right?  This means that the media (or, even, schools or churches) aren’t telling the truth!

Nemesis/Kalypso. 29 Scorpio 26:  When you or others are trying to get to the (Nemesis) cause of problems—be they medical or otherwise— the Kalypso is speaking of things that aren’t readily available and may be intentionally concealed.

Erigone/Ophelia. 13 Sag 23:  It’s possible that you would read of suicides that were somehow motivated by hyper-reactions to events, but also watch for incidents where, because someone over-reacted, they just got the wrong idea or impression.  And yep!  This means that over-reactions can result in a kind of deceptive/wrong idea of a person or what has happened.

Harvey/Neptune. 28 Sag 05: The asteroid Harvey can represent hormones, blood circulation or cardiac issues.  Now, add Neptune and you have weakness and uncertainty.  Note that the asteroid Eros is in 27 Sag so there are strong indications for points in that axis to have hormonal or cardiac issues this year.

Bacchus/Mercury. 08 Capricorn 46: While this can show up as siblings or neighbors with addiction issues, see it also as “Mercury” addictions— whether that means reading or some other Mind or car focus..

As you can hear, this is a very interesting way to look at the chart.  I’ve tried to kind of go around the dial and hopefully, a few of these midpoints fall in the axis orb of one of your Personal Points.  You can run the midpoints for the chart even without asteroids and get great information.  Even though the Ingress hasn’t occurred, it’s likely that you would already be feeling/reacting to some of the midpoints.  If you wonder about that, consider that the chart holds Aries/Pluto = Hades, Rx and Kronos, Rx.  Is the (Aries) public having some drama re changes or incidents with Leaders, Celebrities or Authority folks?

For delineation ideas, see my text, “Angles and Prediction,” or subscribe to this website‘s Research Access area.  It‘s just $12.00 per month and can be stopped at any time.  It gives you access to four areas: Aspects, Medical, Crime-Miundane and Orders.